Symphonic music by Catalan composers (all world premieres!)

Started by Martin Eastick, Monday 13 April 2015, 11:17

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Martin Eastick

Having recently come across this new release from Trito (, I thought it should be mentioned here! The composers included are:  Felip Pedrell (1841-1922), who is represented by a short orchestral prelude to his opera "Quasimodo", and the more substantial "Lo cant de la muntanya" (3 symphonic scenes); Josep Rodoreda (1851-1922):- a Symphonic Poem in 5 separate movements "La Primavera"; Antoni Nicolau (1858-1933):- a 3 movement suite from the opera "Un Rapto"; and finally Amadeu Vives (1871-1932), whose brief "Ballet of the Witches", from his opera of 1900 "Euda d'Urich", concludes this all-world-premiere programme!

Having just had one listen, I would thoroughly recommend this disc, with the Rodoreda and Nicolau works making the most impression initially.


Not familiar with either Trito or the composers so will check it out.
Tom :)