Another Jupiter Symphony Chamber Players concert ("Despite Tyranny")

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 28 April 2015, 22:47

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Went to another very good Jupiter concert in NYC yesterday afternoon. This one was mostly 20th-century music (Prokofiev (1919 overture), Adolf Busch (1936 Bagatelles), Erwin Schulhoff (1923 quartet pieces), Shostakovich (1944 piano trio)) preceded by an arrangement of a work by Meyerbeer (1824 opera excerpt)- and I did notice some people leaving during the Schulhoff - glad I stayed, though. (But then, I liked the Schulhoff, too. And I got to find out that the "milonga" rhythm of the 4th Schulhoff piece sounded familiar- from Villa-Lobos works I already know, like some of his terrific string quartets :) )

Ludwig Thuille's 2nd (and only published, if you're not counting posthumously) piano quintet is in their next concert (May 4), if you're in the area. (The piano quintet of his pupil Henry Hadley showed up earlier in the season...)