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Lalo's opera Fiesque

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 03 November 2011, 08:23

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Alan Howe

I spotted this very interesting new release of Lalo's opera Fiesque... with the new CD of piano music by Godard, more info when the set arrives!

Mark Thomas

Great news! This is a super work, even if not up to the standard of Le roi d'Ys. I have an off-air recording of this production, from which Act II was omitted from broadcast by German radio. So it's an obligatory purchase for me.


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Lalo's Fiesque
« on: Sunday 23 October 2011, 17:49 »This opera recording does not seem to be available in the US.  I have it as a private recording made off a Radio Montpellier (or whatever it's called) broadcast a few years back, but here it is in official form.

Those who love Lalo will find plenty to enjoy here, especially since much of the opera was later reused in more now-familiar contexts.  Alagna is the star and is in good form (I believe his ex-wife was originally scheduled to take part, but their personal problems intervened.)

Mark Thomas

My copy arrived this morning. If you appreciate full-bloodied French romantic opera then you'll revel in this piece. Alagna is in fine voice and the whole company perform the work for all its considerable worth. Interestingly, the insert booklet reveals that, because the work as a whole was never performed, Lalo reused material from it in the two middle movements of his Symphony. I can't say that I heard that in the single run-through I've just indulged in, but I do most heartily recommend this set.

Alan Howe

...and my copy arrived today! I second Mark's view of the piece - and how marvellous to have it with Roberto Alagna in the title role. Nothing like good singing to make the best possible case for an unknown opera.
Just the sort of strong, romantic piece to brighten up a dull November day...


I've now completed comparing my copy with that of the original broadcast and discover we've been cheated of 18 minutes. There are five "numbers" in the original broadcast which don't appear in the DGG set, which originates from that concert version in Montpellier.
I'll post the missing numbers on the downloads board.


Thank you for the missing numbers!
I'll try to reconstruct from the score available at,_%C3%89douard%29
It seems that there are further cuts nevertheless!


Sometimes it is not a too bad idea to have some cuts in operas. Ofd course, not necessarily if they are released as studio recordings...


The CD release is actually full of small cuts.
BerlinExpat, would you by chance have the original concert version from Montpellier? In that case, could you be so kind as to upload it? I know it's against the rules to post material here once it has been published. But, given the differences between the broadcast and the record...


Yes, I can, but what do the administrators say?

Mark Thomas

It's a grey area, so I think that it's best that UC is not involved.


That's what I thought, Mark. Thanks for responding quickly.