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Kalliwoda Violin Concertos

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 29 April 2015, 08:02

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Alan Howe

Violin Concertino No.5 in A minor Op.133 (pub.1844) is an interesting work. Stylistically it seems to look both backwards and forwards at the same time.

BTW: there is a typical cpo mess-up over the contents of the CD: the rear insert has it correct, but the booklet is in error over tracks 5-8. The text itself is correct. They really must improve their proofreading of these basic details...


I want to be, try to be, forgiving of the length of time cpo takes to release these things, but it gets harder and harder precisely because of that, actually. By my lights they should feel free to delay a little more and get it -right-.

Alan Howe

I could do what they need to do in five minutes. I mean, how difficult can it be to get the booklet and rear insert details to line up...?


well, +better translations, more accuracy (their original-language booklet notes are often, I admit without hesitation, among the better-to-best, and the inclusion of music examples and essays always appreciated - by me anyway. Anycase they're an excellent label relatively speaking imhonesto, but - ah well.)

Alan Howe

The translation's much better this time. They seemed to have employed a native English-speaker - at last!