Theodor Berthold 1815-1882 (article in: Der grosse Musikführer 1983)

Started by Wheesht, Wednesday 10 June 2015, 16:11

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The fourth volume of "Der grosse Musikführer" by Alfred Baumgartner, published in 1983 under the title "Musik der Romantik", contains biographical articles of many unknown/unsung composers, some of which haven't even made it to UC. Here is another one born two hundred years ago:

Karl Friedrich Theodor Berthold, born Dresden 18 Dec 1815 and died there on 28 April 1882. He was a disciple of Julius Otto and Johann Gottlob Schneider. He spent the years between 1840 and 1864 as an organist and conductor in St Petersburg. After his return to Germany he became court organist in Dresden. According to Baumgartner his Missa solemnis, the Oratorio "Petrus" and his symphonies became especially known. To me at least that seems to be a rather bold statement, but perhaps someone here is well acquainted with his work?

Gareth Vaughan

Could we get his name spelled correctly in the title of this thread, please? Berthold, NOT Bethold. That will help people interested in researching him.  :)

Alan Howe


Hrm. AMZ reported occasional notices that I can see just offhand, Google Books has a libretto for Petrus, and Worldcat shows three works, but to really evaluate the claim that he was or wasn't particularly known in his lifetime I'd have to look further than that, I think...


It's always, but always the titles that one (meaning me :) ) forgets to check for spelling... It was not my intention to create another hoax composer...

Alan Howe


Interesting as always.
But my purpose goes to sensibilisation of the music industry to say a carefully editen list of composers the main orchestras should and must perform on stage.
Many social media protest actions have succeeded in their aim.
Latitsa, the pianist sold herself on youtube.
More important would be a protestaction against the ever repeating of the main repertoire by the big ones.
Put a great pianist on the affiche, playing Scharwenka and the audiences will come.
But where is the nerve, dare, imagination and determination of nowadays orchestras and soloists.
Neemi Jarvi at least conducted several neglected composers, on record. But live ?
We can discuss all these composers, and it remains interesting, but they deserve more.
Anyway, the concertzender on internet dedicaties many hours on unknown composers, like Jean Carr, french navel officer and autodidact composer while doing a splendid job as officer, in peace and wartime.
He only demanded a piano in his cabin, and slept above the piano, in a hangmattress.
A special french composer whose 3 daughters even performed his piece for 6 hands on the piano in Paris.

Perhaps, it will always be a dream.