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Meinardus Luther in Worms

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 02 June 2015, 07:52

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Alan Howe

Alan Howe

For those who can read German, more details about the composer (dates: 1827-1896) here:
The oratorio apparently dates from 1874. Although Liszt promoted the first performance of Luther in Worms, Meinardus came down firmly on the side of the conservatives in the dispute with the New German school. This may give us a clue as to the character of the work.

Alan Howe

This is indeed a very conservative work for 1874; nevertheless it has plenty of vigour and colour - and it sounds as though the composer was genuinely inspired by the subject (Luther's defence of the Reformation before the Imperial Diet held in Worms in 1521). For fans of Mendelssohn's oratorios this ought to be be a must-buy. The performance by the period-band Concerto Köln under Hermann Max is expert and - praises be - it is very well sung. A most interesting release.

Alan Howe

Excerpts from a recording of Meinardus' 'Kirchenoper' (lit. 'church opera', i.e. oratorio) König Salomo (King Solomon) can be heard here: