Corentin Boissier : A contemporary "romantic" composer

Started by Music33, Monday 31 August 2015, 22:02

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Alan Howe


Quote from: 4candles on Thursday 18 February 2021, 14:35
Toccata Classics will indeed be releasing this soon (perhaps in May?).

This recording has emerged from the "Pipeline" on Toccata's site, but 4candles' mention of a May release appears to be right on target - Valentina Seferinova posted this on her website: "Much regret - but Covid-19 issues push the release date of my latest CD "Corentin Boissier - Two Concertos and a Sonata", on the Toccata Classics label, recorded in Lviv, Ukraine 2 years ago, back to May."

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

If the new Toccata release doesn't make a mint for Martin Anderson, I'll eat my woolly hat (which is still doing its job here in soggy, cool Britain). This is Addinsell plus - absolutely, gloriously over the top - and then some!


Well, Mr Anderson's certainly getting my money. I love slushy romantic music, and Corentin delivers it by the bucket load, as the excerpts well illustrate, and the CD sounds gorgeous. I think your woolly hat is safe, Alan! ;)


If you go - and scroll a little - every single track is teased !!

To see and hear an unsuccessful take (or 'just workin' it out') of Boissier's Glamour Concerto from the recording session in Lviv. Ukraine - about 2 years ago ; go here.

To see and hear a successful take from the same recording session in the Ukraine - go here.


The whole cd is available to listen to on Spotify


Another video clip from the making of the much Covid delayed CD ;D
1st March 2019 - late into the night recording session of Corentin Boissier's 'Philip Marlowe Piano Concerto' with Ukrainian Festival Orchestra - conducted by maestro and Grammy winning conductor John McLaughlin Williams in Lviv, Ukraine.
To add to the intrigue - this is the dramatic finale of the 3rd movement - before the gunshots are edited in !!
The result of several days of hard work !! 🙂

CD and other formats available on the Toccata Classics label.


Boissier has only just begun. The extent of the discography he posts on his website is vast, giving some indication of this young man's frame of reference. I think his style is growing into one that will mitigate against his appellation as an "epigone." I believe that as he matures, he will develop his own individual voice.


Good morning,
I just came across this video (score+audio) of Corentin Boissier's String Quartet (2022), a more recent composition than all those mentioned previously. The video was uploaded by Bartje Bartmans' channel and not on the composer's own channel, hence the fact that I discovered it just now. I think it's a more modern-sounding work (although still accessible) that shows a more personal style and is not epigonal. Do you agree?


Oh, yes, quite 'spikey' and I don't mind it, but well outside our UC remit.