Hyperion : The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 9

Started by FBerwald, Monday 12 July 2010, 19:11

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Alan Howe

Yes. Tuneful, grateful music - which I shall purchase and enjoy listening to. But my original point stands, I think: there is a substantial number of VCs written by far better composers than David which are more deserving of Hyperion's attention. Starting with Gernsheim....


Quote from: Alan Howe on Friday 16 July 2010, 13:02
Yes. Tuneful, grateful music - which I shall purchase and enjoy listening to. But my original point stands, I think: there is a substantial number of VCs written by far better composers than David which are more deserving of Hyperion's attention. Starting with Gernsheim....

Out of curiosity, have the Gernsheim violin concertos been performed at all recently?

Alan Howe

I have no idea - but my guess is that they haven't. Although the rumour a few years back was that Ulf Hoelscher was looking at them...

Alan Howe

The David concertos are due to be released on 27th September.


If his violin concerti are anywhere as good as his catchy trombone concertino, I'm in for one.


Quote from: Alan Howe on Friday 16 July 2010, 14:58
I have no idea - but my guess is that they haven't. Although the rumour a few years back was that Ulf Hoelscher was looking at them...
Hrm. Well, he's already (as part of a quartet) recorded one of the string quartets... unlike most violinists!

Alan Howe


Quote from: Alan Howe on Friday 03 September 2010, 22:14
Eric: what Gernsheim has Hoelscher recorded?
I was mistaken again, (I see why- was something very careless and stupid of me. Erm. Oops. Thought for some reason he was a member of the Mandelring Quartet. Isn't.
(Wonder who recorded the first piano quintet for German radio some years back though, before the Toccata recording came out...)


Any news about the Philipp Scharwenka Violin concerto. Is Hyperion recording it finally. ..... And on a slightly different note what about the Romantic Cello Concertos? Any planned releases?!?!?!?!?

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

I'm not underwhelmed, happily; these are very nice pieces indeed, although not masterpieces. The fascinating thing is to see what a truly great composer, Mendelssohn, made out of a similar idiom. Nevertheless, this CD is precisely what Hyperion should be bringing out - thoroughly entertaining, well-written, neglected music. And, as ever, it is all beautifully performed and recorded (Shaham is a brilliant violinist, with a most winning romantic flair). Another winner!


I suspected you might find these rather more substantial than you expected, Alan.  I just had a gut feeling that these works would be more than mere virtuoso showpieces, even though not towering masterworks.

Alan Howe

All I would say is that I am not overwhelmed either. Just entertained and diverted - but that's enough, perhaps. Still, I have the feeling that there's a substantial body of RVCs out there that are a good deal more worthy than these David VCs.

Now, I'm just listening to Ysaye's Poème élégiaque on a new Aeon CD - meaty stuff with a real late-Romantic kick to it. Much more interesting and original fare...


Taking off briefly on that tangent, the Jaques-Dalcroze violin concertos (late Romantic? early modern?) have been recorded - I had a quick look at the vn/pf score of the 2nd, subtitled Poème, a few days ago (it's on IMSLP). They were both broadcast on www.concertzender.nl recently and should still be archived I think but I haven't yet heard them- planning to.  Some other promising late-Romantic violin concertos were discussed in a thread awhile back a number of which I hope to hear - the 2 by Gernsheim of course but others too. Sibley as mentioned recently went through their collection looking for (trolling for? :) ) mid- and late-Romantic violin concertos  in general, the Jaques-Dalcroze only one among them, and uploaded a whole bunch of them (some in partitur, some in reduction)- I had not seen Iver Holter's name in a long, long time!


Quote from: Alan Howe on Saturday 02 October 2010, 22:30
All I would say is that I am not overwhelmed either. Just entertained and diverted - but that's enough, perhaps. Still, I have the feeling that there's a substantial body of RVCs out there that are a good deal more worthy than these David VCs.

Now, I'm just listening to Ysaye's Poème élégiaque on a new Aeon CD - meaty stuff with a real late-Romantic kick to it. Much more interesting and original fare...
Indeed.  It is too bad that Ysaye's only surviving VC is a neo-Baroque pastiche work, and that his other (presumably more Romantic-sounding) VCs were destroyed by him!