Hyperion : The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 9

Started by FBerwald, Monday 12 July 2010, 19:11

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I downloaded the David from the Hyperion website and enjoy it very much!  Go Hagai go!



for sure!  I sent Hagai the solo parts for the op.18 Variations de Concert (original theme) and the op.21 Intro et Variations (Irish air)...hopefully they will wind up on one of the upcoming David albums


Finally!  Got this from Presto Classical the other day and just devoured it.  Both David concertos are everything a Romantic VC ought to be, and blow anything by Spohr clear off the ocean (apologies to any of you Spohrophiles on the forum.)  The Andante and Scherzo Capriccioso ought to be an encore piece or pops item right alongside Saint-Saëns' Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, a work which, I'm sure, owes quite a debt to David's predecent.  BTW, although the writer of the liner notes caught the obvious cyclic reference to the slow movement towards the end of the finale of the 5th Concerto, he missed the immediately succeeding pizzicato reference to the first movement's first subject in the orchestra right before the final hijinks begin.

Mark Thomas

JimL wrote:
Spohrites? Spohrians? Spohrers? Spohrists? Spohrianer? Spohrifficianados?

Calling John White,: which is it to be?

(apologies, Jim)

Alan Howe

Quote from: JimL on Tuesday 08 February 2011, 00:03
Both David concertos are everything a Romantic VC ought to be, and blow anything by Spohr clear off the ocean...

Well, David was a whole generation later than Spohr. Spohr was surely building the foundation which later composer-violinists such as David used to develop their own compositions...


Quote from: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 08 February 2011, 07:32
JimL wrote:
Spohrites? Spohrians? Spohrers? Spohrists? Spohrianer? Spohrifficianados?

Calling John White,: which is it to be?

(apologies, Jim)
Let's see:

A Spohrite would be someone who resembles Spohr.

A Spohrian would be a denizen of the planet Spohr.

A Spohrer would be someone who acts like Spohr, (marrying a harpist?)

A Spohrist would be an acolyte or follower of Spohr.

A Spohrianer?  That's a tough one.

A Spohrophile and a Spohrafficianado would be synonymous.

A Spohrophiliac would be someone who absolutely bleeds Spohr! ;D

Alan, I think that the 1840s through the 1870s are just about my favorite musical period precisely because of works like the David concertos.  Although, oddly, I find that the David concertos owe more to De Bériot than Spohr.  Is it just me?



Quote from: eschiss1 on Wednesday 09 February 2011, 05:14
You mean Spohrphont?

Let me see...ah, yes.

It's either a cross between Spohr and an elephont or a script that resembles Spohr's writing. :D


Quote from: JimL on Wednesday 09 February 2011, 00:40


A Spohrianer?  That's a tough one.


Sounds like a character from a Barbara Cartland Novel. .. Are we all suddenly in Goon Land? Ying Tong Iddiloe PO!!!!!.
... Yes Yes I kanoe... we are getting off the topic... So does anyone have any idea what Vol 11 will be Now that Vol 10. Cliffe & Erlanger is release. (And what a wonderful release!!!!!)


Quote from: JimL on Wednesday 09 February 2011, 06:38
You mean Spohrphont?

Actually, I was thinking along the lines of Spohr + sophont...
(so end my Spohrphistries for the even')


Meanwhile, back at Ferdinand David...

I'm really starting to think of David 5 as another viable alternative to the Mendelssohn, right alongside the Dietrich.  It certainly has a lot of the same things going for it as the Mendelssohn.  What impresses me the most about David is his skillful orchestration, and his surprisingly symphonic conception.  For a violinist-composer he gives the orchestra a much more prominent role in the musical fabric than many of his contemporaries. 


Well, I really liked the David, but the Cliffe?D'erlanger disc arrived (finally) here in the colonies and it's the lovliest thing I've heard in many moons.  I especially like the D'erlanger Concerto.  Wow! Gorgious!


I wouldn't mind seeing the Dietrich done by Hyperion. Its become one of my favourite pieces.


Quote from: FBerwald on Friday 11 February 2011, 09:29
I wouldn't mind seeing the Dietrich done by Hyperion. Its become one of my favourite pieces.
Too bad cpo beat them to it.  Still, in the interests of completionism, a Hyperion release, maybe coupled with Gernsheim 1 (to parallel the Cello Concerto release) wouldn't be a bad idea.  Not to mention filling Alan's heart with joy.