George Mathias (14 oct 1826 — 14 oct 1910)

Started by namoji, Saturday 15 May 2010, 01:25

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Mathias, Georges .. was a composer who wrote two piano concertos, two symphonies, six piano trios and five pieces for piano and symphonic string orchestra, and a large number of studies for piano
anyone knows and have been recordings of some of his works?
was also a pupil of Chopin, among his disciples are isidor philip, carl Mikuli including


Offhand no - but, comment: the sixth piano trio op.60 in B-flat of Georges Amedee Saint-Clair Mathias can be found in score and parts at,_Op.60_(Mathias,_Georges)

(pub. ca. 1879.)

Will continue to look into the existence of recordings etc., though...


Is there any news of recordings of music by GM. The French are a bit short of piano concertos from that period.


The only recording mentioned on Worldcat of recordings so far of Georges (!) Mathias is one in 1963 of "Je me souviens de toi ; Ma Jenny."  Recordings in future would be good I suspect.


Still no information about recordings, but some of his works (don't know if this list is in Grove's) include
Piano trios nos. 1 in A minor op. 1 (pub. 1850), 2 op. 15,  3 op.  33 (in F?) (pub. 1863), 4 op. 36, 5 op. 50, 6 op. 60 (as noted) (keys and dates where available from Hofmeister). (A partial worklist is here actually, including the concertos opp. 21 and 57 and two piano sonatas, in B minor and F, also.) An even more substantial worklist (though only up to op. 57-or-so?) is here, giving the keys of the concertos as F-sharp minor and G minor and the opus number of the 2nd concerto as 56, not 57, and the op. no. of the first symphony as op. 22 (no key mentioned?)


The symphony might be the Dramatic Symphony on Wilhelm Meister premiered in 1859 noted here - I don't know.

Gareth Vaughan

Pazdirek lists only the 2-piano scores of the concertos as having been published. Finding the MS full scores and parts might prove difficult.