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J M de Ron String Quartets

Started by fjones, Tuesday 24 November 2015, 18:54

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Anyone know of editions of Johan Martin de Ron string quartets (esp the one in F minor). There was one in 1941 (Gerhman). Anything currently accessible?

Alan Howe

For those (like me) who had never heard of this composer (dates: 1789-1817), there is a recording of his F minor String Quartet - see details here:


On the same disc the Wesstrom is lovely - haunting slow movement. Parts for that are on IMSLP, but I'd really like to see parts for the de Ron (not to mention Fredrik Lindblad str qtt 4, and Andreas Randel in f min. There are discs (and you tube), but I. 'd like to try to play them all.