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Foerster quartets

Started by eschiss1, Saturday 17 July 2010, 03:09

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I notice in MDT's August forthcoming releases an announcement of Josef Bohuslav Foerster's 5 (or 4-and-1, since the 5th wasn't exactly finished by the composer) string quartets.  Is this a new recording or a reissue? (The performers are the Stamic Quartet.) I've seen quartet 4 in score some while back and liked it (this may have been my introduction to the composer, though I've heard a couple of symphonies - 1 and 4, I think - and his cello and first violin concertos since, maybe a piano trio too.) Anyhow, I'm happy about the release in principle but wonder if anyone knows anything about it :)


No answer to this one,I see! I noticed that Supraphon have now released the Foerster quartets as a complete set. They may be worth a listen,so I will be keeping an eye out for reviews.

Alan Howe

Me too. It's definitely 'listen before buy' for me!



I forgot about that site. Thanks! While we're at it,are the symphonies recorded by MDG worth investigating? I haven't been able to find many reviews,except for the fourth.


Quote from: Pengelli on Monday 26 July 2010, 01:51
I forgot about that site. Thanks! While we're at it,are the symphonies recorded by MDG worth investigating? I haven't been able to find many reviews,except for the fourth.
I've heard one or two of the MDG recordings on radio broadcasts (and at least one other in a different, studio, performance, but not counting that :) )  I thought they were well-done. Musicweb International reviewed symphonies 1 and 2 here and symphonies 3 and 4 here - not sure if they've reviewed the 3rd CD in the cycle yet.

Alan Howe

The symphonies are well worth exploring as long as you are not expecting great originality. I have enjoyed all of them, but I'm a sucker for this sort of thing...

Mark Thomas

That said, good performances though they all get in the MDG series, it's also clear why the Fourth is the only one which retained a foothold in the repertoire.


You've heard them Mark, I haven't. Anyone got a different angle on these symphonies. And if I get just one,other than the fourth,which should I go for?
His opera 'Eva' is supposed to be good,and I've heard good things about his other orchestral works,which Supraphon seem to have,unhelpfuly,deleted.
     A work I keep wanting to hear by another Czech composer,which IS reputed to be very good,is Fibich's 'Sarka'. Unfortunately,the most recent recording, that I want,has been deleted,and guess what? When Supraphon finally get round to releasing a Czech 'Sarka',they go and release an ancient old 1950's recording!
     Also,sorry to hijack this Foerster thread,but has anyone here heard Supraphons recording of Novak's 'The Lantern'. Is it worth aquiring? I hear it is still performed over there.
     NB The worst Czech opera I have ever heard has got to be Smetana's 'The Devil Wall'. All I can remember is the vilains evil laugh,repeated ala Tod Slaughter,over and over again. And probably one of the worst box  cover designs ever. Sadly this 'Unsung' got sung!!!


To be fair,Smetana was,apparently,very ill when he wrote it,so I suppose it's amazing he got to compose the opera,at all.
   Regarding,'Sarka' & Supraphon. I find their re-issue policy nearly as annoying as emi's.


Thank you for the links,eschiss 1. I may try one of the symphonies later in the year. They sound like pleasently late romantic fare,if not exactly earth shattering. Anyone know where I can hear some audio extracts? I can't seem to locate any. A mistake on MDG's part,as this is the only way some people might be tempted by such esoteric fare.


Quote from: Pengelli on Tuesday 27 July 2010, 16:20
Thank you for the links,eschiss 1. I may try one of the symphonies later in the year. They sound like pleasently late romantic fare,if not exactly earth shattering. Anyone know where I can hear some audio extracts? I can't seem to locate any. A mistake on MDG's part,as this is the only way some people might be tempted by such esoteric fare.

Here amazon seems to be of some help- this link for volume 3 (symphony 5 and a tone poem), this link for symphonies 3 and 4, and this link for symphonies 1 and 2.



Quote from: Pengelli on Sunday 25 July 2010, 21:41
I noticed that Supraphon have now released the Foerster quartets as a complete set. They may be worth a listen,so I will be keeping an eye out for reviews.
Isn't the same programme planned by CPO for release somewhere this fall?


 Re: the Symphonies.Have to say,I can't say I was exactly 'grabbed' by what I heard. Although,I only heard extracts of course.Thanks anyway.