Charles O'Brien Orchestral music vol.2

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 18 December 2015, 17:59

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Mark Thomas

Excellent! I was mightily impressed with the first CD is this series, so I hope that the shorter works on this CD live up to the standard of the fine Symphony on the first one.


just got a download of this release in the continuing series. To me O'Brien is a nice find.

Alan Howe


You speak in mystery Alan. What did you like and not like.

Alan Howe

I liked the whole CD. But there was nothing that really grabbed me - unlike the Symphony on vol.1.

Mark Thomas

I completely agree. It's all rather bland. Neither of the overtures To Spring and The Minstrel's Curse pack the punch of the earlier disc's Ellangowen Overture, never mind the Symphony. Although they are very well orchestrated they're both way over-long; at 25 minutes The Minstrel's Curse in particular stretches its material to gossamer thinness. I know that it's an early piece which O'Brien never got around to editing but, whilst I wouldn't normally advocate this practice, I think it would have benefited from some pretty drastic cuts to show it off at its best here. The two dances are well done but slight, and the three Scottish Scenes are attractive genre pieces which are orchestrations by O'Brien of piano pieces available on Toccata's earlier CD of his piano music. Although I'm not sorry I bought this second CD, I certainly won't be playing it with the frequency that I will the first.

Alan Howe


We appear to be listening to different CD's as I found the CD to my liking.

Alan Howe

I didn't say I didn't like it. Just that it didn't grab me.


You used the word bland which is dull or tasteless and not my opinion of the works on this CD. "Moorland," from the Scottish Scenes has a familiar sound of something Miavosky, the brass chords in particular, might write. Do you hear this Alan? I think that this is the strongest work on the selection Martin came up with.

Alan Howe

Nope, sorry. Didn't make much impression.

Mark Thomas

Actually, Tom, it was me that used the word "bland", and Alan quoted what I wrote. I'm afraid that I do find the music on this CD bland, which I see is defined as meaning "lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting". That is in my opinion a pretty good description of the music here. However, it's just my opinion and I do, of course, respect yours.


The reason why I like this forum so much is we can disagree. Hopefully sales will go well and this fine unsung will get recognition he deserves.
