Tiroler Landesmuseen half-price offer

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 24 December 2015, 10:21

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Alan Howe

The Tiroler Landesmuseen in Innsbruck have their usual Christmas-season half-price offer:

Of particular interest are their pioneering Rufinatscha recordings (although I'd recommend Noseda on Chandos for No.6, now re-numbered 5):
Rufinatscha Symphonies 1 and 5 (now re-numbered 4)
Rufinatscha Symphony 2/Overtures
Rufinatscha Piano music (3-CD set)
Rufinatscha Symphony 3

Richard Moss


Having already bought the Rufinatschas last time round (with your much-appreciated help), I ventured into other recordings this time (Lachner, Netzer etc.), with Google auto-translate pre-waiting in a separate window - and it worked!!  My wallet wishes you'd kept quite about this but my heart leapt when I read your post.

Tks for the heads up.

In conclusion to both yourself and all other contributors to UC, season's greetings and many thanks everyone for all your uploads, insightful comments and knowledge and tolerance of us lesser mortals (who simply like what we like to listen to without having an in-depth understanding of it).

All the best!


Alan Howe

Quoteand it worked!!

Oh, good. I am pleased! Sorry about the lighter wallet....


I bought all of these (except the piano music one) last year. They are all excellent, the 3rd Symphony is especially good.

Will buy the piano one soon...

Merry Christmas everyone!

Alan Howe

Merry Christmas to you too - and to all our valued contributors!


I, too, ordered several after having problems with payment and some help from an employee there named Sylvia.  Eagerly await the discs.

Happy Holidays to all from Wisconsin.



Anyone else having problems with orders from here?  I ordered the Rufinatscha CD piano music set on the 26th of December and I've not heard anything back.  I just tried to email them to ask if there was a problem and the email bounced back as undeliverable.
Any suggestions anyone?


Hi Jonathan,  Here's the email address of the Sylvia mentioned above:

My CD's finally caught up with me in California.



Many thanks Jerry!  I will forward my email onto her - fingers crossed...!

Richard Moss

Just to echo earlier responses.  My e-mails over Xmas got bounced back too - was this because their e-mail server was switched off??

Anyway, since she returned at the start of the year, e-mails have got through OK and Ms Eller has responded very quickly and helpfully so hopefully you will get quick answers too.

As the latest batch of CDs I've just received from them, like the earlier ones form last year's sale, have their notes in German only (Rufinatscha reconstructed Sym 3 and Pno conc excepted), I've asked her if at least the text in German is available electronically to try Google auto-translate or something.

Has anyone here managed to get any English booklet notes of Rufinatscha's symphonies or indeed any other CDs from this interesting source of unsungs??



Alan Howe

The earlier TLM releases were, I imagine, only intended for sale locally and so no English translations were ever made. The more recent issues have been produced by Dr Gratl and he has been keen to ensure that translations are included.


Thanks everyone, I emailed Silvia and she says my parcel was sent on January the 7th. If it doesn't arrive this week, they will send a replacement. Splendid!

Alan Howe

I'm sure it'll arrive. Mine always have.


Thanks again everyone, the discs arrived today! I should perhaps have been a little more patient!!

Alan Howe

They do take time, I know. Glad they've finally arrived.