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Juon String Quartets vol.1

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 01 January 2016, 00:08

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Alan Howe

Answer: yes and yes. The German original is indeed impenetrable, but the translation is too often not even recognisable English. And that's my particular area of expertise...

Gareth Vaughan

The gobbledygook produced by Frau (lein) Praeder is depressing in the extreme. Amazing that she apparently believes it is English!


Just having leafed through it, I can tell you that the German text does not make worlds more sense than the English translation. The works are sublime, though.

Alan Howe

Oh, I can assure you that, while the German hails from Pseuds* Corner, the English is that of the German guide who once showed a school group I was leading round a biscuit factory (sic!), pointing out all the eshtingyshers. Guess what they were....

Bottom line: Pseuds Corner German can be rendered into Pseuds Corner English - by an native English speaker!

*No idea whether it should be Pseuds, Pseuds' or Pseud's Corner. Can't be bothered to check the Private Eye website.


For those download-aficionados amongst us (especially those who might have been considering this set but were holding out for a better deal), iTunes (USA anyway) has this 2-cd set for a very attractive USD $9.99.  As I already have the Musiques Suisse recordings, I'm conflicted.....but what a nice problem to have!  :o
