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Another Elgar 'Symphony'?

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 02 May 2016, 10:06

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Alan Howe


If that one counts as a "symphony", we should probably add Gordon Jacob's orchestration of the Organ Sonata, Op. 28a, too. That brings the number of Elgar symphonies to five.  ;D

Mark Thomas

I'm not getting excited until I at least hear some audio examples. Elgar's sound is so distinctive...

Gareth Vaughan

My reaction is - Why? The quintet doesn't need orchestrating - it's just fine as it is.

Alan Howe

Well, for me it's not a question of either-or, but both-and. I like orchestrations...

Gareth Vaughan

I like some orchestrations - especially of keyboard music. But (as I have said before) I wish more attention were paid to the orchestration of works originally written for orchestra but for which we now have only piano scores.

Alan Howe

That's a very good point. Of course, this is precisely what has been done with Draeseke's VC, but no-one seems interested in performing it, let alone recording it...

Gareth Vaughan

Have you approached Hyperion or Toccata? More importantly, I think, we would need to get a violinist interested in the piece first. I'll put my mind to it. Is there a printed violin/piano score I can send to people?

Alan Howe

I have approached both. Inevitably, it's too expensive for Toccata and Hyperion seemed not to be interested. My copy of the violin/piano score is in the possession of a violinist who showed interest in it, but I've heard nothing for ages.

I think we may need to start again.

Gareth Vaughan

I reckon CPO might be a good bet.

Alan Howe


Quotewe should probably add Gordon Jacob's orchestration of the Organ Sonata, Op. 28a, too.

Hmmm, I should look for that one.  I'm very often frustrated with organ music, as I find that most church acoustics don't give justice to the works. I've always wondered how no one has ever ventured into orchestrations of the Vierne and Widor organ symphonies, for examples....


Quote from: Ebubu on Monday 02 May 2016, 23:50
I've always wondered how no one has ever ventured into orchestrations of the Vierne and Widor organ symphonies, for examples....

Both actually wrote concertante works based on movements from their own solo organ symphonies. FWIW.


Oh, I didn't know that.  I'll check into it.  Thanks.


I knew Guilmant did... Ah, I see, I see- Widor's op.42 is just such a work as is Vierne's Pièce symphonique. Thanks...