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Another Elgar 'Symphony'?

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 02 May 2016, 10:06

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Gareth Vaughan

I didn't know that, Alan.  Thank you. And apologies if I sounded sniffy, but The Black Knight really isn't a symphonic work at all.

Alan Howe

You were just being accurate...

Mark Thomas

I have to agree with Alan, the orchestration of the Piano Quintet is a very impressive achievement. Here and there, especially in the third movement, I thought that the textures got rather congested, but that aside it's a minor triumph and evokes the sound world of late Elgar so convincingly.  It's years since I've listened to Jacobs' orchestration of the Organ Sonata, but that's next on the list for me now.

Alan Howe



At long last I received a copy of these arrangements...and have been completely won over! I love the quintet in it's original form, but having heard this arrangement several times, I don't know if I'd want to be without it. It's a remarkable achievement. It would be stretching the truth to say that it sounds just like Elgar - that's impossible to do, and not a blemish on the arrangement. There are times when the texture sounds like something Elgar would have scored, and at times I even hear the Payne orchestration of the 3rd symphony poking through. And yes, at times maybe it's overscored, but the same can be said of the 1st or 2nd symphonies, too. I love this arrangement. Wouldn't it be nice if orchestras would put aside the ubiquitous Enigma and play this instead? Any skepticism I had about this venture is gone.

Sea Pictures: I miss Elgar's masterly orchestration, but again this arrangement offers performance possibilities. Using a reduced orchestra makes it far more affordable and performable by smaller ensembles, and the use of an entire choir, rather than one soloist, open opportunities for choirs, too.

It's also hugely satisfying to know that there are still people out there who can handle orchestral forces like the old master could. This is a wonderful recording and now we have to get live performances - I assume the orchestral material is available for hire.