Franz Schmidt Fantasiestück for Piano & Orchestra

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 28 June 2016, 11:11

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Alan Howe


That's great news! The Phantasiestuck finally appears. Now if only Fredegundis and a few works of his youth, would be given recordings, the Schmidt catalog would be complete. Although I am grateful for the one recording of Fredegundis we have, legal or not.


The Fantasiestuck was broadcast along with the Chaconne  immediately after Holofernes on DLR on Saturday. It's a fine work!

Mark Thomas

There's a recording of (I assume) the recent Vienna performance on YouTube here. The soloist is the same as on the Capriccio release. The work is most notable for sharing some of the material which Schmidt used in Notre Dame.


In connection with concertante works by Franz Schmidt, there is (or there was) an excellent recording on the Swiss label pan (1995) with Schmidt's Piano Concerto (left hand) , coupled with a Chaconne for Orchestra... Pianist Karl-Andreas Kolly has recorded some unusual repertoire for this label, just before it closed down. He also recorded Scriabin's Piano Concerto (conductor: Armin Jordan), both Piano Concerti by Glasunow and by Eugène d'Albert, and the Concerto by Egon Wellesz...


The Fantasiestück is quite interesting. Most fascinating is to hear how Schmidt re-thought some of the melodic material, and making changes for the opera version. When the Fantasiestück was written, he clearly wasn't the master of orchestration he would eventually become - this is much thinner in sound than the symphonies for sure. Very enjoyable, to be sure. The entire CD is well done, but I can't help but think that a better disk-mate than the Chaconne would have been the orchestral version of the Intermezzo and Carnival music from Notre Dame for a side-by-side comparison. So now, Capriccio - on to Fredigundis!