Swedish & Spanish Operatic Rarities

Started by mikehopf, Friday 16 September 2016, 22:46

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It never rains .....

Two rare operas on tonight:

Swedish PRadio P2
P2 Live opera: "Gillet på Solhaug" av Wilhelm Stenhammar
Opera i tre akter.
Libretto: Henrik Ibsen.
I rollerna:
Margit - Matilda Paulsson.
Gudmund Alfsön - Per Håkan Precht.
Signe - Karolina Andersson.
Knut Gaessling - Mathias Zachariassen.
Bengt Gautesön - Fredrik Zetterström.
Erik fra Hagge - Erik Lundh.
Ett sändebud - Anton Ljungqvist.
Sångare ur Musikaliska sällskapets kammarkör, Akademiska kören, Linköping och Norrköpings vokalensemble.
Norrköpings symfoniorkester.
Dirigent: Henrik Schaefer.
Studioinspelning från 2015. (3 hrs.)

Spanish Radio


La Llama.. posthumous opera by this talented Spanish composer who died young.

See Operacast website for more details


Can someone please record the Stenhammar opera? Another opportunity to flex your muscles, Adriano!

Alan Howe


Oh dear! Yet another cock up!

On a more positive note:

Other available recordings of Usandizaga:

  Las Golondrinas - Zarzuela ( more of an opera really) on Homokord Label
  Orchestral Music including the 4 movement Suite in A Op.14 on the Claves label.


The Claves Usandizaga disc is out of stock at the publishers, but still available elsewhere as a download (from Presto Classical for example). I have not listened to my copy for a long time, but I do remember finding it very enjoyable if not particularly memorable.

M. Yaskovsky

The Usandziaga opera can still be had at Amazon.es; who can tell what's it like. Wagnerian influences with Spanish clichés? :-[


More like Puccini influences.

See Chris Webber's excellent book on Zarzuelas for a detailed analysis of this Spanish Pagliacci.