British Tone Poems Vol.1

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 19 January 2017, 16:55

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Alan Howe

...forthcoming from Chandos:

FREDERIC AUSTIN: Spring - Symphonic Rhapsody (1902-7)
WILLIAM ALWYN: Blackdown - A Tone Poem from the Surrey Hills (1926)
SIR GRANVILLE BANTOCK: The Witch of Atlas (1902)
IVOR GURNEY: A Gloucestershire Rhapsody (1919-21)
HENRY BALFOUR GARDINER: A Berkshire Idyll (1913)
RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: The Solent - Impression for Orchestra (1902-03)
BBC National Orchestra of Wales/Rumon Gamba


Oh, now that is a disc worth having!  :)

Gareth Vaughan

Well, yes. Up to a point. Only the Balfour Gardiner has not been recorded before and I do have all the others in earlier (and very good) recordings. But for those who don't this will almost certainly be an enticing prospect.


Considering the previous two British Overtures CDs, I'm sure this one will be just as enjoyable as those. I don't believe I have anything but the Bantock (not even the Vaughan Williams) so....

Gareth Vaughan

I am sure Gamba will deliver the goods.


This will be at least the third recording of the Austin, I believe. But it is quite a fine piece.


There's a new recording of Solent in a violin/piano version out, I believe? or that may be a new digital issue of a recording that's been out awhile. I'm not sure, have to double-check...??



"Vol. 1" allows us to believe there'll be a second volume at least.  One more good news !!  :)

Gareth Vaughan

How nice if Vol. 2 were to include something by Holbrooke: the "Wild Fowl Fantaisie" perhaps. Fat chance, methinks.  Bantock's "Macbeth" would be good too. Or something by Joseph Speaight: his family have scores and parts of his surviving orchestral works - which are pitifully few, alas.