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Mengelberg recordings page

Started by Ilja, Monday 10 October 2016, 08:50

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Alan Howe

Ah, but try Kleiber or (especially) Karajan in the finale of No.2...


MartinH, you are right: I prefer the older Brahms recordings by Bruno Walter anyway.

Mark Thomas

I have the Water set, recommended to me by Alan IIRC. I listen to them more often than any of my more modern recording of the symphonies. Wonderful!


Incidentally, when young Mengelberg was living in Lucerne (around 1890) and was a music director there, it was him who recongnised the talents of a certain young boy named Fritz Brun. He helped him and recommended him to various teachers, whih made him later on continue at the Cologne Conservatory. So far I could not find any concert program of Mengelberg conducting a Brun Symphony...