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Never-released unsung recordings

Started by Christopher, Friday 28 October 2016, 02:16

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I recall that the Malats Piano Concerto was recorded by Hyperion but never released.

I have played through it and it is full of fun and freedom, albeit a little lacking in the melody dept.


Alan Howe


This is where I read of the Macfarren vc. Maybe we should contact Dutton or Robert Atchison?

Mark Thomas

Quotewasn't there some Raff string quartets that never got released on CPO?
That's right, there are two string quartets missing from cpo's cycle of them, played by the Mannheim String Quartet - nos.1 and 5. They did record all eight, published nos.6 and 7 11 years ago and 2,3,4 and 8 last year, so only another nine years' wait for the final CD! As far as I know the Suite for Piano & Violin hasn't been recorded commercially.

Alan Howe

This the actual quote re. the MacFarren VC:

QuoteFuture recordings for 2009-11 include...the world premiere recording of the George MacFarren violin concerto for Dutton Records

Probably never got made...?


I just emailed Robert Atchison to ask

Delicious Manager

Maybe just squeezing into the remit of this forum, about 15 years ago I was involved in a project to record a new edition of all the symphonies of AntonĂ­n Reicha for BMG (RCA). We had got as far as identifying periods for recording sessions and there was a big management shake-up at BMG, the would-have-been executive producer disappeared in a puff of smoke (later to resurface with his own independent CD label, minus the BMG-type funding) and the project collapsed, never to be resurrected.

Alan Howe

Another stillborn project was the Abert symphonies with the Stuttgart Philharmonic under Gabriel Feltz - on Sterling, I think.

Gareth Vaughan

QuoteI recall that the Malats Piano Concerto was recorded by Hyperion but never released.
QuoteReally? Who by?

I suspect Melani Mestre, since I believe he has the autograph score.

Alan Howe


Alan, re: the Abert, that is correct. But I understand that there is a new effort under way at the moment with a different label - don't know which, but the odds are it's cpo.


This can be a source of frustration, particularly if the work is historically significant and the reasons to suppress the recording appear trivial or petty (as in the case of the Marx Herbstsinfonie, for instance). Another problem occurs when works that have been recorded for some time continue to languish on a shelf somewhere because a label doesn't get around to publishing it (as in the case of the Urspruch Symphony).

Gareth Vaughan

Ah yes. The Urspruch symphony and piano concerto, both of which are still awaiting release.
Please tell me more about the Herbstsinfonie. I didn't know it had been commercially recorded, other than the fine performance by Botstein which is available only as a download - I presume you are not referring to that.

Alan Howe

A commercial download of the Herbstsymphonie in an absolutely superb performance conducted by Michel Swierczewski was once available from MicMacMusic - no longer, unfortunately.

Alan Howe

QuoteAlan, re: the Abert, that is correct. But I understand that there is a new effort under way at the moment with a different label - don't know which, but the odds are it's cpo.

Oh, excellent. Any more info, Ilja?