Napravnik Piano Trios

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 09 February 2017, 23:10

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Alan Howe

Mark Thomas


A few years ago someone on here (can't remember who) reported that his 4 symphonies were to be recorded.  Did anything ever come of this?

On 21 Feb 2014 Eric wrote "I seem to recall that Napravnik's 3rd symphony and some of his chamber music may have been recorded by Cesky Rozhlas"  -  Eric did you ever hear anything further of this?

Also - the website of Czech Radio (Český rozhlas, or ČRo) lists 20 works by him. One is a mazurka for orchestra which I don't have (played by Plzeňský rozhlasový orchestr under Josef Blacký, from 1980) - is anyone familiar with this website? Does it just give lists or is there a means to download?

I've just noticed that there is an ongoing Napravnik Festival in the Czech Republic (2016-2017) -


Oh goody!  I have been waiting for Napravnik's 1st Trio to come out for some time!  It was the work that beat Rimsky-Korsakov's Piano/Wind Quintet in a chamber music competition.


A definite buy for me, too. I have a special fondness for Dabringhaus & Grimm since it was their CD of Arensky's and Smetana's piano trios that introduced me to (more or less unsung) chamber music in the early 1990s. Great little label.