Franz Schmidt Symphonies 1-4 (P.Järvi)

Started by ewk, Wednesday 29 March 2017, 14:34

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Alan Howe

Well, the main theme of the first movement is virtually a steal from Don Juan - that's the real point, which you evidently continue to miss! This is, after all, what what one might expect from a composer writing his first symphony in his early twenties. Most critics/commentators have pointed this out - perhaps I could suggest that you read some of them instead of leaning solely on your own understanding...

The new reading of Symphony No. 1 is a highlight of the set. Sample the first minute: stentorian horns, powering over ascending arpeggios of strings, answered by a gorgeous, melancholic melody. The tempo then changes to Allegro, announcing a first theme that is very much a distant cousin of Strauss's "Don Juan."

Schmidt's First Symphony is a mixture of styles by a talented youngster (he began it at the age of 22), clearly cut out to be a symphonist. The introduction to the first movement sounds like an 18th Century French overture, leading to an allegro theme plainly descended from Strauss's Don Juan.

Joachim Raff

I think folk do themselves an injustice by letting outside voices influence what they might ultimately might like or dislike. Soon as i see the words critic, analyst, professor in musicality and so on..... I simply switch off. These people have no place in my psyche.       

Alan Howe

It's not a question of 'like or dislike', but of illumination and education. If you don't want to read more widely, you'll never learn - instead you'll continue to write nonsense because you've switched off. I mean, what's the point of posting here if you're not going to listen to anyone outside your own echo-chamber?

Mark Thomas

QuoteSoon as i see the words critic, analyst, professor in musicality and so on..... I simply switch off. These people have no place in my psyche
What a staggeringly arrogant and ignorant statement. Why should anyone take any notice of what you write if you make it so clear that you place no value whatsoever in the opinions of the rest of us here? Go your own way, I shall certainly disregard your posts as being valueless. More fool you.

Joachim Raff

My views are totally my own. One could say they are purer because do not allow outside opinions to influence my inner self. Only way you will understand anything is actually listening to the music. After all its the only thing that matters. 

Alan Howe

QuoteMy views are totally my own. One could say they are purer because do not allow outside opinions to influence my inner self.

This is the very definition of wilful ignorance. Evidently you already know - or will work out for yourself - everything there is to know, and you don't need anyone else's opinion. This is clearly not the place for you...

Joachim Raff

Please do not take this personally. That was never my intention. I do value your and other folk's opinions in this forum. You misunderstand me. My mindset was directed towards others.

Mark Thomas

What weasel words. I'm going to waste no more of my time responding to you.

Joachim Raff

Please, do not overreact to what was some disagreement on opinions. One has to rise above and learn that folk have different views. We need to be more understanding and debate things with more decorum.   


Quote from: Alan Howe on Tuesday 20 October 2020, 17:34
QuoteMy views are totally my own. One could say they are purer because do not allow outside opinions to influence my inner self.

This is the very definition of wilful ignorance. Evidently you already know - or will work out for yourself - everything there is to know, and you don't need anyone else's opinion. This is clearly not the place for you...

Worse, it's delusion to think that your any opinions could ever be entirely your own, that they're not in any way influenced by anyone before them. A wise person analyses the provenance of their opinions to assess their value; only a fool thinks he can be totally original. Like it or not, those professors, musicologists and critics have shaped your view of music. Usually, there's a good reason for that: education coupled with experience. A musicologist has read that monograph on Kalliwoda that I will never read; a critic hears more music than I ever can because it's his profession. Whether their judgment squares with my own is an entirely other matter, and it is my personal prerogative to agree or disagree but I have to respect their investment. And yes, I am honestly interested in what anyone has to say about music that is close to my heart.

terry martyn

This spat is a little disturbing.  It smacks a bit of the classroom.  I suggest that everyone remembers Michael Winner´s words in that car insurance ad..............
Turning to the music, my copy of Sinaisky´s recording of the First Symphony has just arrived.  My impression is of freshness, of youthful exuberance., and it has an instant appeal. 

Alan Howe

QuoteThis spat is a little disturbing.  It smacks a bit of the classroom

Indeed. A classroom that our friend refuses to attend because he knows it all aready.

Joachim Raff

Always attend, but i tend to be sent to the corner

Alan Howe


I think you misunderstood my intention, especially given the haste in which I wrote my post :), but...