Album Cover Hall of Shame

Started by albion, Monday 16 August 2010, 07:18

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Quote from: Albion on Wednesday 18 August 2010, 11:15
Quote from: Ilja on Wednesday 18 August 2010, 10:32
the problem was also simply getting all the information in and still maintain some graphical attractiveness. But there are very good ones, as well.
Moving (briefly) away from the sheer awfulness of this chamber of horrors, three companies which I regularly purchase from can pretty much always be relied upon for attractive artwork. I would say that Chandos, Hyperion and Dutton actively enhance the appeal of their discs with superb, often quite cleverly thought-out, design. The Dutton posters are endlessly fascinating and there is usually some link between them and the music on the CD, but for a supremely attractive solution to the problem of the series (uniformity, yet distinction between discs) my vote goes to Chandos' fabulous Cyril Scott series:

The Scott series is a textbook example of how such a cover should be done: stands out among other CDs yet introvert, and a good reflection of what the music's about. The Chandos Gliere series is another example of how something can symbolise the music without having to resort to clichés. I'm not that enthusiastic about Hyperion's covers, mainly because of their (IMO) frequently inappropriate use of type.


Quote from: Albion on Wednesday 18 August 2010, 11:42
Although they couldn't possibly compete with the 'best' of WG, here are some more ideas that should never have left the drawing board:


Thanks. The image of Lorin Maazel coming at me with big blue hands will continue to haunt me for some time to come...


As eventide fast approaches once more, I reach for a disc to settle down with. Should it be Clas Pehrsson on Bis with his (literal) banquet of recorders?

No, what the heck, I've had a tiring day chipping five layers of paint off lintels and window sills - I deserve a break. So it's another bottle of wine and some more easy listening for me (Rufinatscha can wait until tomorrow):


Thank you Albion, you've provided many chuckles, smiles, and laughs for the past few days. Bravo! I can't wait to show Pat Sheridan (tuba soloist) that he made the Unsung Composers site. (He conducts a local British style brass band. But I've never seen the cd.)


Oh dear, will they never learn?  ::)


Your list of solemn sounding names brought back memories of your legendary A.C.H.O.S. This time I have a nice new printer,capable of A3 prints,with which I can reproduce some of the most inspiring examples in gargantuan,throat catching detail.
I'd buy them!


Oh dear! The world of bassoon recordings has not moved with the times either -



I think I'll probably pass.


Glad to see Gloria Cheng on CD.  I believe she was a graduate student when I was an undergraduate at UCLA.  Of course, that was in my previous life.  (You only live twice, Mr. Bond).


Quote from: Albion on Saturday 02 April 2011, 23:31
Oh dear! The world of bassoon recordings has not moved with the times either -



I think I'll probably pass.

If you are bassoonist, or happen to like bassoon music, all of these disks are very fine musically speaking. Yes, the artwork, and some the schtick is dated, but the musicianship is beyond criticism. Crystal Records really does need an art director who isn't stuck in the '70s.


The Bassoon Brothers discs are /supposed/ to be silly though.


Very possibly so, but humorous intent does not excuse poverty of conception or disguise ineptitude of execution ...


Rob H

Quote from: Kriton on Wednesday 18 August 2010, 06:00
Quote from: mbhaub on Wednesday 18 August 2010, 03:46
Look carefully. What the heck?
Well, it's not called "piano artistry" for nothing...

It was a spoof/comedy album. See Jo Stafford on wikipedia for info. Funny stuff as well - the performances are hilarious.

M. Henriksen


Great thread! I was in need of a big laugh!  ;D ;D ;D

M. Henriksen

Well, you can certainly get that from looking through these pages!
I'll add some new ones during the evening.
