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Tovey Piano Quintet Op.6

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 26 July 2017, 20:44

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Alan Howe

Thank you, Alan. The news of the Toccata recording of Tovey's massive Piano Quintet brings a day otherwise full of seemingly endless distractions from the true purpose of living to a quite perfect close.

I've often come across references to this work in my reading about Tovey and his almost quite unbelievable range of activities, but of course I've never heard the work because (to my knowledge) it has never been recorded or even broadcast. For quite a few years it has been on my list of 'must hear' compositions. So at last a dream realised!

It is a great pity we don't hear much more Tovey. The chamber works recorded by Guild and Toccata I've found immensely impressive and actually very moving. And to anyone unduly apprehensive about the prospect of listening to almost half an hour of solo violin I'd recommend them to listen to the Op. 29 Sonata Eroica. It is a masterpiece likely to sweep any violin solo doubters off their feet.

So the news of an imminent release of the long neglected Piano Quintet is the most splendid news. I head for my slumbers a very happy man.