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Havergal Brian from Dutton

Started by albion, Friday 20 August 2010, 09:01

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I am astonished by this information ::)  Of course, I accept what you are saying from the obvious advantage of involvement and familiarity with the matter how much it pains me to read it.

I could write much more in reaction and response but respect for your advice precludes such further comment.

Mark Thomas

No, I wasn't discoraging discussion, just suggesting that we, and more importantly the labels, should be aware of a wider issue. By the way, for clarification, the industry in which I used to be involved wasn't the recording industry. Do please carry on...


I understand :)  I took if from your observation that we "should be a bit more circumspect" that you were cautioning against further comment.

It is easy for our enthusiasms (and when I say "our" I refer to my own enthusiasms and that of those who would not object to be associated with the same love for Havergal Brian's music ;D) to run away with us. "Arctic realism" is, naturally, an attitude which is entirely appropriate, rational and sensible-particularly for those who make a living working for record companies.

It is such passionate enthusiasm however which sustains my own love of music and which I hope I shall never lose.

I am merely suggesting that it would do no harm if both Naxos and Dutton were aware, in the broadest of terms, of the thinking of their respective companies.

Mark Thomas

Quote from: Dundonnell on Thursday 10 May 2012, 18:19
it would do no harm if both Naxos and Dutton were aware, in the broadest of terms, of the thinking of their respective companies.
Ahh, you missed your vocation. You should have been a lawyer...  ;)

J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: Dundonnell on Thursday 10 May 2012, 15:53
I seem to recall complaints about the recording quality of the Bisengaliev ??? ???

I think there's nothing wrong with the recording quality of the Bisengaliev. Now, if you were thinking of Symphony No. 2, then I'd agree...

I hope Brian will get the "supra-national" treatment! (Dream on, JZH...)


not all musicians; at least one famous soloist got quoted on the cover of Gramophone years back to the effect that he hated learning things for recording that he wouldn't get to play in concert. And I have recordings by him... (but since that particular cellist doesn't record for Dutton, sorry about that.)

JZH- Brian has been performed and premiered in the US (symphony 23), and I -thought- I'd heard that Spanish radio did a series of performances of his music, but I'm guessing this latter was a rumor...
(Extra-national performances and premieres of unsung composers might make a mildly amusing thread - Canadian performances of Holmboe and Weinberg a few years back, e.g. ... Anyway.)

J.Z. Herrenberg

Yes, No. 23 was premiered in the US. Nos 27 and 29 have also been performed lately, by the Orange County High School Symphony Orchestra, which will be in Birmingham on 25 June to perform the latter work...