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Havergal Brian from Dutton

Started by albion, Friday 20 August 2010, 09:01

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Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Wednesday 02 February 2011, 22:10
Brian Rayner Cooke was not in the best of health at the time of the recording and was so dissatisfied with the vocal quality of his own performance that he asked that it not be released.

That was indeed the case!

I always thought it a great pity that Marco Polo couldn't license some of the best BBC performances for commercial release (Mackerras in No.2 and No.27, Brian Rayner Cook's 5th, etc.) Ah, well ...  ::)


So it WAS actually recorded by Marco Polo?
Quite Albion. All those wonderful recordings 'mouldering' away in their archives,although,I hasten to add, I'm sure they take good care of them!
It seems such a waste.
(Love to hear the Ralph Holmes performance of the 'Violin Concerto' again. Hint! Hint! Bet somebody's got it. Perhaps they'll stray onto this forum one fine day!).


I have just read somewhere that Naxos will be releasing a cd of Brian's Symphonies 22,23,24 & the English Suite No 1 at the end of February. Is this true or just a wind up? Anyone here know?


Apologies,I meant,'will be recording'!


Quote from: Pengelli on Thursday 03 February 2011, 00:41
I have just read somewhere that Naxos will be [recording] a cd of Brian's Symphonies 22,23,24 & the English Suite No 1 at the end of February. Is this true or just a wind up? Anyone here know?
If true, this would be very welcome news indeed!  ;D

I've not come across any reference to such a project - can you divulge where you read about it?

Some of the trials and tribulations of the aborted Marco Polo Edition are related here:


The 'Havergal Brian' thread on the GMG Classical music forum. It was late & I DO like to treat such posts with caution! If it's untrue I may at least be eligible for some kind of booby prize!!! (There are allot of peculiar things on the internet,to say the least).
NB: If someone were to offer a million pound reward for the score of 'Prometheus Unbound' I wonder if it would mysteriously show up?


Like how the Apollo moon landings were faked!
(They were weren't they?).


You might get some people with some odd notions of what constituted "score" , Havergal Brian, or of "score of Prometheus Unbound by Havergal Brian".


Of the two,I'm glad,in a way,that it was 'The Tigers' which got found. I mean,obviously I'd prefer both,but 'The Tigers' shows Brian's humorous side & the fact that he wasn't all deadly serious symphonic monuments & funeral marches.
I think I'll go and have a look in my attic later,just in case!


Quote from: Pengelli on Thursday 03 February 2011, 00:41
I have just read somewhere that Naxos will be releasing a cd of Brian's Symphonies 22,23,24 & the English Suite No 1 at the end of February. Is this true or just a wind up? Anyone here know?
Your source is very reliable indeed - apparently Naxos will record Symphonies 22, 23 & 24 plus English Suite No. 1 in Liverpool at the end of Feb. RLPO conducted by James Judd.   ;D

Also, in addition to their all-Brian disc (Symphonies 10 & 30, Concerto for Orchestra, English Suite No.3), Dutton will simultaneously be releasing the cello concerto on a disc also including works by York Bowen and Alan Bush. My guess would be the Rhapsody in D, Op.74 by the former and the Concert Suite for Cello and Orchestra, Op.37 (1952) by the latter ;D ;D


Yeeeehooo! Not a very intellectual observation,but the fact that Naxos are finally 'continuing' their aborted series is wonderful news. Hopefully,the renaissance of interest in neglected composers like Brian,now,will mean this cd won't be the last from this source.
I wonder if the HBS are behind this?


Please excuse my scepticism,there have been so many disappointments with Havergal Brian projects.


There's no need for scepticism regarding the two Dutton discs featuring Brian which have just fallen through the letterbox:

With a total timing of 82:25 for the Cello recordings, they've done the logical thing and given Brian's Concerto a second disc all to itself. This is fascinating programming, selected clearly with a wide knowledge of available repertoire - I'm really looking forward to listening to another substantial score by one of my favourites, York Bowen.

First impressions from the Symphony disc are extremely positive - a superb standard of playing and sonics: following a lull of over ten years, the Brian revival continues in some style! I'm afraid that another spin of Mallet Mischief will just have to wait ... ;D


having only heard the earlier recording of the cello concerto (I really need to go take advantage of the British Music Broadcasts thread and hear the Brian scores I haven't heard in years; I have just a tape of it...) I'm very glad there's a new recording finally :)


I'm not psychic, but I did have an uncanny 'feeling' that there would be some additional posts about HB today!

PS: Mine dropped through the letterbox this morning.