Raff - Benedetto Marcello

Started by Kevin, Tuesday 02 July 2019, 15:53

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Mark Thomas

Yes, Alan, it should be "lyric opera". It is indeed a rewarding work, and one which I think shows us Raff at his most natural; by the time he composed Benedetto Marcello he had pretty much given up hope of any of his operas being performed and so was writing just for himself.

Alan Howe

You have it right in your notes!

Mark Thomas

True, true. I 'd forgotten that I'd written that.


My copy (ordered at Amazon) arrive today. They are CDRs...

Alan Howe

I was wondering about that. Mine played OK, though.


CDRs are pretty much a given with Sterling releases now (and have been since they started being distributed by Nimbus)


So I was quite lucky to have my two last CDs (Jaques-Dalcroze and Scherber) being issued as authentic CDs :-)

Mark Thomas

The topic of Sterling (and other companies) issuing recordings on CDRs has already been discussed exhaustively in this thread. Please don't reopen it here.

Mark Thomas

It's good to see that both the music and the performance merit a resounding thumbs up from Jonathan Woolf at Music Web International.

Alan Howe

Mark Thomas

For those with German, here's a review at Opera Lounge. As author of the booklet notes, I must say that a lot of the background information in Ingrid Wanja's piece has a very familiar ring to it!  ;)

Mark Thomas

Another glowing review - in German again, but Google Translate yields a fair approximation.

John Boyer

This review by Ralph Locke originally appeared in American Record Guide and can be read here at Opera Todayhttps://operatoday.com/2020/12/joachim-raff-benedetto-marcello/

Mark Thomas

What a thoughtful, open minded and accurate review. It's a pleasure to read. Thank you, John.

Alan Howe

Yes - thanks, John. If only all music journalism were as well-informed, generous and open-minded as this. It was a joy to read.