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Vasili Zolotarev chamber works

Started by dhibbard, Thursday 16 November 2017, 21:32

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I was just browsing thru IMSLP selections of Vasily Zolotarev's chamber works that are in the public domain, and I am surprised that none have been recorded ??    A quick search finds several items of sheet music in IMSLP.

Mark Thomas

What, several items have been recorded (if so why your surprise?), or there are several Zolotarev pieces at IMSLP?


I'm guessing he means several items @ IMSLP. I know I'm not aware of any commercial recordings of his chamber music. Maybe on old LPs...


several have been published but I can't find the recordings of his chamber works, trios, violin sonatas, etc??   Anyone know when they were recorded and what label??


Erm... you're getting me all confused. I've seen no recent recordings of chamber music by Vasily Zolotarev published/released. (Chamber music by "Zolotarev", yes, but there's more than one composer named Zolotarev/Zolotareff/Zolotaryeff. So a partita for bayan (a sort of accordion-ish instrument) by Vladislav Zolotaryov (1942-1975) has been recorded, for example, as have I think some other works by him, but I don't think this is the composer you're speaking of...) There may -- may -- have been an old recording of a string quartet of Vasily's (his 4th?) about somewhere on LP but I'm not positive.

(U. Missouri Kansas City has two recordings of Friedrich Lips playing several bayan works, containing a Zolotaryov work, miscataloged as though the work were by Vasily Zolotareff...)

(Just interacted with a librarian over at U Missouri and they will consider whether that ought to be changed, tangentially.)

Santo Neuenwelt

We have all of his chamber music, but sadly and inexplicably none that I know of has been recorded unless it was in Russia on Melodya and never released in the West. Some years ago, we recorded a group sightreading String Quartet No.1 for use on our website but sadly the recording had too much distortion to use. We have had groups purchase his wonderful cello quintet and promise to record it for us, but none did...

Alan Howe

QuoteI can't find the recordings of his chamber works, trios, violin sonatas, etc??   Anyone know when they were recorded and what label??

Mr Hibberd, sir! It would be a great help if you would be clear when you post. This whole thread (so far) has resulted from confusion as to the existence of recordings of this music. So, to clarify: have you or have you not actually encountered any recordings - or are you merely surprised that they don't exist?


Thank you... yes I am surprised that there are no / none recordings of Vasily Zolotarev's chamber works.   Please note that this is Vasily.  Thanks

Alan Howe


I searched high and low and can't find any recordings of his chamber works...

Alan Howe

Santo Neuenwelt - an expert in these things - has already categorically told us that none has been recorded!!!

Mark Thomas

I don't understand why it seems to be so difficult to accept that none of Zolotarev's chamber works have been recorded. After all, it's hardly an unusual situation for such an obscure composer.