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Dutton (label) Specials

Started by Marcus, Saturday 06 March 2010, 12:40

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The Dutton web-site are offering a number of limited quantity specials including  the following:
Romantic Cello - Sonatas by Hurlstone , Parry & works by H.Harty CDLX 7102  4.99 BP $7.55 USD
Margot Wright (1911-2000) - Cello Sonata , Piano Quintet   CDLX 7109    4.99 BP $7.55 USD
I have both discs and recommend them, particularly the Margot Wright.
A 2CD set featuring the Danish Symphony Orchestra 75th Anniversary, is offered for 2.99 BP $ 4.50 USD, This is being sold elsewhere ,(Presto new releases) for $14.99 USD.