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Robert Radecke chamber music

Started by Wheesht, Sunday 14 September 2014, 06:47

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Unfortunately the recording of the Symphony held by the Musiksammlung in Zürich is unavailable and so I'll have to wait until March next year to hear the live performance.


I am fully aware that this is not to the point but Robert Radecke's grandson, Ewald Radecke, happened to be my piano teacher (and wow, what a teacher !) I remember him telling me that his share of the royalties for his grandfather's "hit" "Aus der Jugendzeit" was still a substantial source of income for him and his familly. I also remember that Ewald owned the autographs of some Bach cantatas. One of his sons, Georg Radecke, is apparently still living in Winterthur, Switzerland. Maybe he can help with the missing recording.
Good luck


maybe not  "to the point" but I found it very interesting. Thank you.


So did I. I mentioned that Radecke's great-grandson Christian Radecke was the organiser of that chamber music concert, so there are some descendants still alive in Switzerland.