Mlynarski Symphony in F 'Polonia'

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 14 February 2018, 23:05

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Alan Howe


good. have seen the score and am glad of a recording.

Mark Thomas

Ah, interesting. Definitely a must-buy.


In fact there already appears to be a (radio broadcast?) recording of this work of exceptional audio quality which has already been uploaded onto utube for quite some time and given a spirited rendition by the Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Kazimierz Kord...

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Following the earlier release of Paderewski's piano concerto coupled with Stojowski's symphonic rhapsody on Warner label, let's hope that they follow up on this enterprising series of releases by recording Stojowski's singular Symphony which also richly deserves a hearing as evident from the utube link below and perhaps pair it alongside Paderewski's sole Symphony also titled ''Polonia'' together with the enterprising inclusion of Mlynarski two violin concertos in a 2-CD coupling:

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With the current hype surrounding the revival of Nowowiejski's symphonies and orchestral works as highlighted previously, this is turning out to be a promising period for Polish late and postromantic music.  ;D

Alan Howe

We certainly need the Stojowski Symphony, but we already have recordings of both Mlynarski VCs (Hyperion) and Paderewski's 'Polonia' Symphony (Hyperion again).

The recording of Mlynarski's Symphony under Kord was a commercial release - on Polskie Nagrania:

Mark Thomas

Thanks JP for the link to the performance of the Mlynarsky Symphony on YouTube. It's a powerful work


Does some of this material have to do with sponsors?

Alan Howe

The recording and performance are spectacular. It's a most enjoyable - and occasionally loud - piece! Not particularly individual, but very well written for the orchestra and with tunes that lodge themselves easily in the memory. If you like early Nowowiejski, you'll like this too!


It seems that yet another version of this symphony, this time played by the Poznan Phil under the indefatigable Ćukasz Borowicz. Although officially slated for release on 21 March on Presto, it can already be enjoyed on YouTube.

We now have three versions of this work, and thankfully they're all excellent. Moreover, they all approach the work from a slightly different angle: Kord goes for expansive and full-on late romantic, Kaspszyk is a bit leaner, and from my first listen I get the idea that Borowicz is somewhere inbetween but with lots of energy. On the whole I think I still enjoy Kord's recording the most (bit of a barn-stormer, that one), but we'll see where we are after a few more listens when the familiarity shifts.