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Alfonso Rendano (1853-1931)

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 01 August 2018, 23:50

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Alan Howe

Santo Neuenwelt

The Piano Quintet was recorded a few years ago by Groupo Bonucci on Aura CD 415 along with 9 pieces for piano.

Mark Thomas

I have that CD, but it's years since I listened to it. The music obviously didn't make a great impression...

Alan Howe

Santo Neuenwelt

We were quite impressed with the quintet and if we could have found the sheet music would have gladly made it available...

Gareth Vaughan

The quintet appears to have been published by Edizione Curci of Milan in 1977, but is no longer listed in their catalogue.

Alan Howe

Do you know anything about his Piano Concerto, Gareth? Is the version with orchestra still extant?

Alan Howe

Gareth Vaughan

I can't say I've looked for Rendano's PC. The two piano score was published by Curci in 1982, so I suppose they would be the first port of call for the orchestral score and parts. I believe there is a Rendano Archive somewhere in Italy too, which may have his MSS. I'd have to do a bit of research.


There is a PDF online that discusses the history of the concerto and Rendano's relations with Liszt but seems to leave the ultimate destination of the parts and full score of the concerto in some doubt ( ).

Alan Howe

I saw that. However, it's in Italian...


I translated a bit (computer translator, anyway) but didn't offhand find anything that shouted "here, this is a location of parts." The parts and score were -mentioned- in interesting contexts... if someone who knows Italian and is interested could have a good looksee over the dissertation I'd be interested to see what they thought, yes...

Alan Howe


The manuscript of the piano concerto was (re)discovered recently, and there is now a recording on Youtube, from September 2024:
Giovanni Alvino, piano
RTSH Symphony Orchestra, Tirana
conducted by Leonardo Quadrini.
This is available on the pianist's own channel or also here.