Hyperion RPC series: possible upcoming release

Started by dmitterd, Wednesday 21 March 2018, 01:17

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On Markus Becker's website, under Concerts, he has listed:

12-16 Feb 2018
Piano Concertos of Pfitzner and Braunfels
Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin conducted by Constantin Trinks
To be released on Hyperion.

This is interesting as Dutton released the Braunfels concerto not long ago, and the Pfitzner has received a number of good recordings already.



Mark Thomas


even though cpo already has a recording of the Pfitzner (though with Volker Banfield)? I guess it's possible- they have some duplication in their catalog.


There is also an old Marco Polo recording of  Pfitzner's piano concerto..


were any cuts made in the Pfitzner concerto? I have a feeling I read somewhere that the old recordings was based on an edited version of the score - I could be wrong , it was ages ago...


Oops - I neglected to include that in Becker's post, he states the recording is for Hyperion. Post corrected.

Mark Thomas


I hope cpo, anyway, doesn't do this sort of thing quite so much anymore (to the extent they can avoid it. One is encouraged by how "extra-complete" some recordings of theirs have been more recently- the Gade chamber music with the extra movement of the sextet, e.g.) (I rather like my recordings to be urtext, I suppose ;^) :) though wonderfully performed firstoff.)


"Possible" release now official.  New thread to come, w/composers/works in title, now that speculation & more specific details are confirmed.


Today, on its Facebook page, Hyperion Records is asking a question almost designed for the members of this forum : "What would you love to see next in our Romantic Piano Concerto series (and who would perform it)?"

Shouldn't we take the opportunity to quickly organize a collective reflection, justify our suggestions, and then answer (and add comments) under Hyperion's post to make it somehow viral? It could be easy to bring some attention to "our agenda"!

Alan Howe

A question for Gareth, I'd say. Gernsheim and Thieriot would be among my choices, with Simon Callaghan as soloist.


I am still hopeful that recordings of Anton Beer-Walbrunn and Amadeus Wandelt will become a reality one day..


I know what my two front-runners are, but I wouldn't presume that anyone here would second them!  ;D


I wonder what Kaun's concertos sound like orchestrated.

Gareth Vaughan

This is very interesting. Like Alan, I would love to see the Gernsheim and Thieriot concertos recorded, more particularly since the 2 by Thieriot were scheduled for recording in the RPC series but had to be cancelled owing to the Covid pandemic. Wheesht knows that, thanks to him, I have the full scores of the Beer-Wallbrunn and Vandelt concertos - both fine works - so they would also get my vote. Kaun's concertos have long been on my list: scores and parts available from Fleisher. As readers of this forum will know, my immediate wish would be to have the Concerto symphonique and 2nd PC of Jakob Julius Major recorded. Score and parts of the former are available from Fleisher. I sent a copy of the 2-piano score of the 2nd PC to Simon Perry and he told me he intended to do a Major disk, possibly including one or more of the 3 fantasies for piano & orchestra too. I think we should respond on Hyperion's Facebook page. I have just come out of a week in hospital with a chest infection so am still quite wobbly - and, besides, I really, really hate Facebook!!! So may I suggest that folk focus their thoughts (sensibly - make sure the performing material for what you want is extant and available; I can help there perhaps) and ask Alan or Mark to represent this forum on Hyperion's Facebook page. We can but try.