Hyperion RPC series: possible upcoming release

Started by dmitterd, Wednesday 21 March 2018, 01:17

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That was my post FBerwald. I've known about the Conservatoire de Liège holding for some time. The scant description given on their catalogue does suggest full orchestral parts (Mike Spring told me some years ago that full orchestral scores from that period are not always available and in any case he enquired about the full score from Schott who said they never actually published it). So there is hope!


Gareth Vaughan

Well done. I must fire off an enquiry to Liege (although there is a nagging doubt in the back of my mind that Mike Spring said something to me, years ago, about the catalogue entry being misleading - however, he may have been referring to something by Litolff instead; it was a very long time ago). Anyhow, fingers crossed.
I have, by the way, overcome my antipathy to Facebook (at least, temporarily) and put a lengthy post on Hyperion's page. I have pushed the Beer-Wallbrunn and Wandelt works and said that Bulgarian pianist, Valentina Seferinova, is looking at them (which she is).


Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Saturday 20 July 2024, 01:06Jonathan, if you go back to Simon's post of yesterday at 13.40 you will see that it was his announcement of this invitation on Hyperion's Facebook page that has prompted the recent responses here.

Apologies Gareth, I'm a bit distracted at the moment after I found out a close friend has died.  Please continue the discussion...

Darrel Hoffman

Oh good, I was part way into attempting a reconstruction of the Herz #6, using the orchestral cues on the solo piano reduction.  I guess I'll put that one on hold, it's a lot of work and will probably not be as good as the original.  Also I have no way of simulating a chorus properly, so it would never have been anywhere close to an adequate reproduction, just better than nothing at all.  It was a fun project to attempt, but maybe a bit beyond me at this point.  Hopefully a real performance will be coming soon.  I have enough other things to work on in the meantime.


Yesterday I played an LP of Reinecke's PC 1 performed by Ponti. On the reverse side is the PC 2 of Eugen D'Albert. Out of curiosity I searched for D'Albert's name here and found only this one specific mention. Is there a reason he is not mentioned  here e.g. not Romantic enough, not Unsung or something else?

John Boyer

Quote from: Maury on Wednesday 04 September 2024, 01:26Out of curiosity I searched for D'Albert's name here and found only this one specific mention. Is there a reason he is not mentioned  here e.g. not Romantic enough, not Unsung or something else?

I did a search and found multiple threads on D'Albert's work.  Not sure why your search failed.   


The search was on Eugen D'Albert. Only this came up. Searching on d'albert more hits appear but the references are all en passant as far as I saw. I see no dedicated thread. If you do, can you please let me know your search term. Thanks

Update: Looking more closely a number of the hits for d'albert don't even contain his nama. Instead they have either d' or de somewhere in the text. Is the search engine confused by the apostrophe in the name?


What appears to work best is this search term, in quotation marks: "D'Albert". His first name is sometimes Eugene and sometimes just Eugen...


It's also possible that the search engine may be sensitive to the difference between ' and ' and other minor details... (or not, since the "smart right single quote" and "plain right single quote" are rendered the same here, it seems.)


OK thanks Wheesht. Putting the name in quotation marks brought up the rest of the threads. The apostrophe is confusing the search engine at least with my set up. But to clarify, myself putting d'albert in the search box without quotes did not bring up any instances of D'Albert in the title field just in a small number of message bodies. Some others had variants of d' and de. Why that didn't also bring up d'albert is a mystery to me.

John Boyer

We're so sorry, Eugen D'Albert
We're so sorry if your search has been in vain.
We're so sorry, Eugen D'Albert
But there're no hits hitting home
And I believe they'll stay the same.