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Moscheles String Quartet

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 03 July 2018, 19:37

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According to a recent biographer Moscheles composed a string quartet in D minor which has recently (well, in 1993) been rediscovered and I think performed. Anyone else know anything about this?


 :o Wow!! that's great news! haven't heard about this but oh boy! that's great news:)

Alan Howe

IMSLP has these details:
String Quartet in D minor (undated parts discovered in 1993 @ the Chester Music Collection of the University of Glasgow and mentioned Kroll (2014), p.358)

Martin Eastick

This was actually performed at a concert in the Queen Elizabeth Hall back in late 1970's - early 1980's (I can't exactly remember when, but I do still have the programme which, at present, I can't lay my hands on! When I can locate this, I will be able to give further details as to performers etc!) As I actually attended the concert, I recall the work as rather attractive and well worthy of revival - and I have been long awaiting the opportunity of getting interest in a recording - perhaps this wish may be now nearer fruition! This would certainly make an excellent coupling for the early Sterndale Bennett quartet together with one of Mendelssohn's to complete the link?


Ok, that's very confusing, if in fact it was only rediscovered 15 years after the latest date of that performance. Though there are works by Moscheles arranged for string quartet, but ...erm... hrm. (And his piano, clarinet and strings quartet Op.46 but I'm guessing that's not a rarity.)

He did also compose a work for string quintet of sorts that was published, btw ("Einleitung und bravour-Variazionen fur die Violine mit Begleitung von 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncelle", pub. 1817.)

Martin Eastick

I am sorry to have caused confusion here by giving, as it now transpires, incorrect information about the London performance of the quartet! This was, in fact, at the Purcell Room rather than the QEH, and took place on 23rd September 1997. Whilst I still have not located my copy of the programme, Henry Roche has kindly confirmed the details and also reminded me of the other works included (all by Moscheles) including songs and piano pieces etc. However, although my memory now seems to be plying these tricks, I would still maintain that the string quartet was particularly well-received and did leave a favourable impression on me - certainly enough to want to hear it again. Henry also reminded me that the Chilingarian also performed the work in Brighton at around the same time!


Please don't apologize. You still provided one of the two pieces of information I was looking for and for that considerable thanks (though I should have been clear at the outset that I was wondering - (1) has it been performed publicly (2) does anyone know of any plans for (2a) publication (2b) recording :) ) And you've now answered (1) and many thanks!