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Johan de Meij Symphony No.1

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 18 July 2018, 21:19

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Alan Howe


have heard of it, but can't say I know it.

Mark Thomas

Sound bites (including the New York-inspired Symphony No.2) here.


This is one of my all time favorite pieces -- it's just chalk full of melody that goes on and on and is wonderfully colorful.

That said, it's probably a bit out of the 'remit' of this board given it still has a lot of modern sound to it (if you've heard the type of music typically played by (good) high school and college bands, this is very much in that realm).


I heard this a couple of years ago and am rather conflicted about its merits. While it's full of good ideas, it also sometimes comes perilously close to the threshold of kitsch, particularly in the final movement.

Alan Howe

Oh, it's kitsch alright. But enjoyable kitsch!