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Dohnanyi: Cantus Vitae

Started by mikehopf, Saturday 16 March 2019, 08:55

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Broadcast tonight on Bartok Radio.

Can someone record it, please, as it clashes with the Andree opera.


Will try do do, mikehopf, it runs at 19:00 :-)¨
It looks that there is already an earlier recording:
...and let's hope it won't be with his tenor :-(


Mike, I recorded the live broadcast of the Andrée opera from Swedish radio P2. It is still available as listen again service but I can upload it later if you like. You are free to record the Dohnanyi then!


Thank you , Hadrianus! I look forward to hearing it.

The short extract on youtube certainly whetted my appetite for this lovely work by one of my favourite composers.

Also, thanks for the offer, britishcomposer, but as my Australian time zone is 12 hours in front of the British one, I was fast asleep when it arrived.


I uploaded last night's braodcast from internet radio - since Radio Bartók is not on my cable receiver, so the sound may not be the purest. I subdivided this track in appropriate places (longer pauses) into three tracks at 35-40 minutes each - in order to enable CDR burning. There is also a fourth track with the final announcement - so far I could not find an participant's list on the sender's website; they appear not to have a view back system - and yesteray's online tracklist of could not be copy-pasted while the program ran.
I hope there were no intrerruptions. Could not follow online yesterday and I am too busy now to check whole, so let me know!

Here is a program leafet of a 2004 performance at the Hamburg University:
(an excellent introduction and the xcomposer's own German trasnlation of the libretto!)

Matthias Bamert conducted it in Tallahassee, with musicians of the Florida State University in 2002:

And here an iteresting article on the original poem used by the composer:

Considering the importance of this repertoire, I presume this will be released one day on CD. From the test listenings I was able to do, it appears to be an excellent performance!


Thank you again, Hadrianus , for downloading this powerful dramatic work full of tender melodies.

Interesting work.. shades of Liszt; variations on La Marseillaise & Russian national anthem; Faustian themes.. composed in Germany in 1941 though would not be out of place in 19th century repertoire ???

I'd love to hear other members views.

The sound was fine for my ageing ears and the tenor acceptable.


hi mikehopf; my pleasure!

In this work, I only have a problem with the Bacchanale section, which (in my personal opinion) sounds a bit too cheap/clumsy, compared to such really valuable remaining music.

Here a "tracklist" of the 4 uploaded parts:

track 1   I – (Nos. 1-8)
track 2   II – Bacchanalia (Nos. 9-10)
             III – Funeralia (No. 11-12)
             VI – (Nos. 13-14)

track 3   VI (contd.) (Nos. 15-17)
             V – (Nos. 18-21)
track 4   Cast announcement

Only parts II and III are entitled. For a (2-)CDR burning, 2 tracks per CD are appropriate


Does anyone have access to this recording?! I'd LOVE to hear the entire work. Thanks!


This is still one of his relatively few major works not to have a commercial recording, isn't it... (I remember when none of his symphonies did, etc.)