Recent and upcoming releases of Flemish composers' works

Started by Ilja, Thursday 23 September 2010, 04:00

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The Flemish label Phaedra (I could say Belgian, but maybe that country doens't exist any more by the time you read this) has released, and is going to release, some interesting Flemish music:
- Works for piano by August de Boeck, played by Jozef de Beenhouwer (In Flanders' Fields, vol. 64)

Among the upcoming releases are:
- Jef van Hoof, Symphony No. 2, Symphonic Poem 'Perseus' and the overture 'Memories' (Janacek PhO - Ivo Venkov)
- Chamber works for horn, a.o. Joseph Ryelandt's Horn Sonata


Quote from: Ilja on Thursday 23 September 2010, 04:00
The Flemish label Phaedra (I could say Belgian, but maybe that country doens't exist any more by the time you read this) has released, and is going to release, some interesting Flemish music:
- Works for piano by August de Boeck, played by Jozef de Beenhouwer (In Flanders' Fields, vol. 64)

Among the upcoming releases are:
- Jef van Hoof, Symphony No. 2, Symphonic Poem 'Perseus' and the overture 'Memories' (Janacek PhO - Ivo Venkov)
- Chamber works for horn, a.o. Joseph Ryelandt's Horn Sonata
Well, releases of Ryelandt are rare enough :) Actually, all of these are. Thanks!

Mark Thomas

Anything by van Hoof is thoroughly recommendable. His music is usually tautly built, melodic and lushly orchestrated. Phaedra have already issued the other five symphonies.


I think they already released a recording of Hoof's symphony 2 (with symphony 3) during the 1990s?- I may have only heard no. 1 myself (plus a couple of other works) (ah, and I think Marco Polo released a recording of no. 2 also some while back, that's right.) Still a welcome release in my opinion...


The First and Fourth Symphonies of Van Hoof are on a Phaedra CD - very nice!

This same label also has a lovely disc of chamber music by Ryelandt.  A composer I have followed - once bid $96.00 on eBay for a CD of Ryelandt's Third Symphony.  I didn't win - but eventually a friend burned off a copy from an LP or a live performance - not sure - but it's a great masterwork.

M. Henriksen

I haven't seen the Phaedra release of van Hoof's 2nd Symphony before now. It was released in April. Have anyone heard this disc? Seems like David Hurwitz enjoyed it.

The review:



A review today on Musicweb of the Phaedra van Hoof 2nd Symphony with a listing of other recordings of the Flemish composer's symphonies-

The Symphony No.1 is available to download from this site and I find that I already have the No.2 on a Marco Polo disc. Must give it another listen ;D


Well....the van Hoof 2nd Symphony is indeed turning out to be a delightful piece :) Very old-fashioned for the 1940s.......... but none the worse for that, I hasten to add ;D Romantic, well-constructed, with a delicate and refined sensibility that is appealing.

Oh no ::).....that means I have to buy more ;D I am assuming that Nos. 3-6 are in the same vein ???


I've only heard nos. 1, 5 and the unfinished 6th so far, I think. They at least mostly fit that description as I recall.


They're all very much in the same vein -- very conservative, very listenable, well written. Reminiscent (to me, at least) of Alfred Hill.


Quote from: Latvian on Friday 27 January 2012, 20:05
They're all very much in the same vein -- very conservative, very listenable, well written. Reminiscent (to me, at least) of Alfred Hill.

Ok, thanks for that recommendation, Maris :)

I have ordered the disc containing Symphonies Nos. 5 and 6 ;D If I am now going to collect a van Hoof symphonic set I shall have to do so in stages ;D