Alexander Goedicke's Third Symphony in C minor

Started by Ilja, Friday 01 February 2019, 09:15

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Dear all,
I'm writing in the hope that someone may help me obtain an old Melodiya recording of Alexander Goedicke (=Aleksandr Gedike)'s Symphony No. 3 in C minor, Op. 30 from 1922. It was released in 1958, with the USSR Radio Symphony Orchestra playing under Boris Khaikin (Melodiya D-04786/87).
All I have seen of it is an old auction web page, so it must be exceedingly rare. Any help in getting my hands on the recording (not necessarily the LP itself) is highly appreciated. I've been something of a Goedicke fan ever since hearing his gorgeous Konzertstück for Piano and Orchestra and the Diary of a Dead Soldier, and as far as I can see this is only of his three symphonies ever recorded.


You're in luck - it was uploaded on to the Art Music Forum on 22 December.  It's from an LP, though, so against the upload rules of this forum.


Thanks! That is lucky indeed. Nothing beats instant gratification.
Would love to see Goedicke's other symphonies recorded, though...

Alan Howe

Can anyone share the link to the download, please?


Don't like such kind of forums obliging members to contribute within a certain deadline. However, Ilja and Alan, will try to see if I can trace this Symphony from one of my Moscow contacts, since I too I am looking for it since quite some time - and had forgotten to search again.

Alan Howe


Goedicke's Third is now in the Downloads forum. As a Melodiya recording from 1958, it's proper to regard it as orphaned as far as copyright goes, I think.

Mark Thomas


Oh, infinite thanks, Ilja! A nice week-end gift :-)

Alan Howe

Serviceable recording, fascinating music. Perhaps Vasily Petrenko might take it up?


This LP transfer does not ignore some bad scratches in the 2nd and 3rd movement and two very short groove jumps. I have repaired these and also added initial and final fades.
Shall I upload this repaired version until I might get perhaps an LP from Russia? I am so happy to hear this work again after so many years, I like it very much!

Alan Howe

Yes, please do upload your version! Any improvements would be most welcome (I too noticed the problems you mention).

Alan Howe

Thank you very much, Adriano: I've moved your download link plus commentary to the Downloads board.

We're just going out, so I'll look forward to downloading this later on.

Alan Howe

Thanks, Adriano, for your work on this upload. Perhaps you would give us your collected thoughts on this piece? My main reservation would concern its occasional raucous loudness, but this is probably more to do with the playing of the (otherwise very good) USSR Radio SO under Khaikin. It is exciting, though.

Strangely, in its quieter moments I sensed a kinship to Elgar's brand of melancholy. Otherwise, I can hear Tchaikovsky refracted through a later romantic lens - and perhaps Glière, although Goedicke's writing isn't as melodic. I see that he was Medtner's first cousin - that's an interesting connection. Is Myaskovsky also an influence?


Does anyone know if Goedicke's Piano Concerto has survived?