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Stanford: Via Victrix Mass

Started by Mark Thomas, Monday 04 February 2019, 23:01

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Mark Thomas

Last November the BBC broadcast the premier (in Cardiff a few weeks earlier) of Stanford's last major work, his mass commemorating WWI - Via Victrix. I've added a link to a recording of the broadcast in our Downloads Board here. The mass is written on a large scale for four soloists, choir and orchestra, its six movements lasting 67 minutes, and the Welsh forces give it a fine performance. It's not a war requiem as such, it doesn't dwell on the futility of conflict as later such works would do, but rather celebrates the Allied victory whilst mourning the loss of so many lives. Others may well disagree, but as a Stanford enthusiast I found this dramatic and atmospheric work both thrilling and a genuinely moving experience. I understand that a commercial recording of Via Victrix, based on this performance, will be issued by Lyrita next year.

Alan Howe

Mark Thomas

That was quick! I've deleted the recording of the radio broadcast that was available in our Downloads board.


The work and recording is magnificent by the way. On the same level as his Stabat Mater and Requiem, Stanford rarely disappoints I find.