New Braunfels and v.Einem at Capriccio

Started by Expi, Tuesday 05 February 2019, 10:09

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Hey folks, don't know if that two composers are "unsung" enough for this forum :D . Anyway interesting:

Greetings from Germany :)

Alan Howe

Braunfels falls on the edge of our remit - von Einem is beyond our guidelines, I'm afraid:,3681.0.html


I was curious to read this post about a release from the town of New  Braunfels.  Now I see that the post has nothing to do with that Texas town!
Sorry for the interruption! Carry on!


i'm very disappointed about such narrow-minded attitude. what about wonderfal composers like Shostakovich, Hindemith, Ravel, etc. or more unsung ones like Holmboe, Pettersson, Schulhoff, etc. all beyond your radar :( i recommend to rename the board to "unsung ROMANTIC composers".

Alan Howe

We're the opposite of narrow-minded! We just happen not to want to discuss the music you mention here - there are plenty of other forums on the internet where this can be done.

In any case, please consult our remit - which all members are asked to read before posting:,3681.0.html

And please note: our remit is not up for debate.