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Draeseke string quartets

Started by eschiss1, Wednesday 08 August 2018, 03:20

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According to Youtube videos they've put up recently, the Constanze Quartet is recording Felix Draeseke's 3 string quartets. Hopefully this will be at least as good as and more widely available than the only other existing recording of the set. (To hear samples from the 2nd quartet in the AK/Coburg recording, see eg*. The whole of the 3rd quartet (C-sharp minor, 1895) can be heard thanks to Matesic @ IMSLP.

*From which it's clear to me that Draeseke's rather "vocal" approach pays wonderful musical dividends in the continuation of the opening phrases, for example...

Edit: this may be awhile, since according to their website the label of release will be cpo. At least cpo makes really good recordings and generally good productions (I've bought quite a few), just belated ones.


Due to the co-operation of Naxos and Youtube the cpo-recordings of Draesekes String Quartets No. 1 and No. 2 by the Constanze Quartet can be heard via Youtube now:
