Robert Kahn cello sonatas on cpo

Started by eschiss1, Friday 22 March 2019, 12:36

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Just announced @ here.  (A different recording of the 2nd sonata can already be heard at IMSLP.)

(I suspect the 25.3.2018 (segue the link to see what I'm talking about) is a typo for "25.3.2019", but I may be wrong. Or it may still be 2018, in which case- I'm still wrong, just about that.)

Alan Howe

25.3.2019 is the date on which all this month's cpo releases are available. It's undoubtedly a typo.


Available at the end of May in the US, apparently (according to Presto?).

Alan Howe

It's an absolutely superb CD. More later...
