Fini Henriques piano music on Danacord

Started by Sharkkb8, Monday 20 May 2019, 01:45

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Although this Danish composer died in 1940, in the late 1800's he mixed with an interesting crowd, including Joseph Joachim, Carl Nielsen & Woldemar Bargiel.  The three works on this solo piano album date from 1900, 1908, and 1919.  Soloist is Thomas Trondhjem, release date 31 May.

Wikipedia:  Henriques became a private student of the violinist Valdemar Tofte, who was the concert master of the chapel and professor at the Conservatory of Music, and of the chief director of the Royal Chapel, Johan Svendsen, after Niels W. Gade had advised him to go through the Conservatory of Music. From 1888 - 1891 he was in Berlin, where he studied at [sic] violinist Joseph Joachim and composer Woldemar Bargiel, who was half brother to Clara Schumann and himself student of Niels W. Gade. After his time in Copenhagen, he returned for one year to Germany and Austria. At the time of his return, he was employed in the Royal Chapel in 1892, initially as a violist and later as a violinist. After a clash with Frederik Rung, he resigned in 1896 to live a free life as a composer, educator and concert violinist, a career that soon made him a popular figure. As a young man he developed a friendship with Carl Nielsen which lasted until Nielsen's death in 1931.
His teacher Joseph Joachim was the greatest violinist of the day, but Fini Henriques concentrated more on the smaller forms. He formed his own string quartet and founded the chamber music association Musiksamfundet, which he chaired until 1931. He also traveled as concert soloist, chamber musician and conductor numerous times in the Nordic countries as well as to Paris and Berlin. He sat on the board of Danish Composers' Society and was Knight of Dannebrog (1921) and Dannebrogsmand (1937).