About recent broadcasts on BBC 3

Started by eschiss1, Friday 19 April 2019, 13:56

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One can still hear some Pejacevic songs (her Op.42) for a few days (broadcast March 23 2019) at the beginning of Euroclassic Notturno/BBC Through the Night @ here.
Zemlinsky's Sinfonietta (possibly a bit out of our orbit, but who cares, still beautiful) and Rachmaninoff songs (never out of our orbit) finishing with Mozart and Dvorak - also only available for a few days right now, enjoy

Piano trios by Albert Dietrich and Johannes Brahms live - Lunchtime concert broadcast March 26.

Songs by Robert Schumann, Rangström, Alma Mahler and early Berg broadcast this past Sunday.

(Swedish Radio tends to keep things for a month too, Concertzender for a rather longer time, not sure about other radio stations that stream...)

Alan Howe

Quotepossibly a bit out of our orbit, but who cares

Unfortunately the moderators have to care about such things, otherwise we'd be debating Stockhausen...


Well, not much of Julius Stockhausen's music is played or broadcast these days, but I see your point.

Alan Howe

Actually, it's be good to debate Julius. But, not here.


I'm surprised that nobody mentioned the Croatian Opera "Nikola Subic Zrinski" by Ivan Zajc which is now available on BBC Radio3 until May 11, 2019. For those not familiar with the opera, here is some information about the broadcast.

Ivo Lipanović conducts a performance of the Croatian opera Nikola Šubić Zrinski, from the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb.

Written in 1876 by Ivan Zajc, who overhauled musical life in Zagreb during his 30-year reign as director of the city's opera, it tells the true story of the Battle of Szigetvár and Captain Nikola Zrinski who led his forces into a heroic last stand against the Ottoman army and Suleiman the Magnificent. Well received at its premiere its enduring appeal in Croatia is due in large part to its climactic chorus, "U boj, u boj!" ("To battle, to battle!") which has been adopted as a popular patriotic song.

Here is the cast:

Nikola Šubić Zrinski ... Ljubomir Puškarić (baritone)
Eva... Kristina Kolar (soprano)
Jelena... Valentina Fijacko Kobić (soprano)
Mehmed Sokolović... Stjepan Franetović (tenor)
Suleiman the Magnificent ... Ivica Čikeš (bass)
Lovro Juranić... Domagoj Dorotić (tenor)
Suleiman's doctor... Leon Košavić (baritone)
Gašpar Alapić... Ozren Bilušić (bass)
Vuk Paprutović ... Mario Bokun (tenor)
Mustafa... Siniša Galović (tenor)
Ali Portuk... Miroslav Živković (baritone)
Ibrahim Beglerbeg... Vjekoslav Hudeček (bass)
Timoleon... Davor Radić (baritone)

HRT Chorus
HRT Symphony Orchestra
Ivo Lipanović (conductor)

Back in the 1960's it was commercially recorded and available as a 3 LP mono set on the Yugoton label but it is now long out of print and no longer available. I once owned the set but gave it away many years ago when I got rid of my LP's. I remember that the sound was very poor so the BBC Radio3 version is a great improvement.

Unfortunately I do not have the facilities for downloading it so I hope another UC member out there would be able to make a copy and upload it to our website.

Alan Howe

Is anyone able to download this opera, please?


I'm recording it right now. I hope it will work. I'll let you know.

Alan Howe


Alan Howe