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Marx Autumn Symphony from cpo

Started by mjkFendrich, Tuesday 04 September 2018, 21:19

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Gareth Vaughan

And dull. Marx is a much superior composer to Cuclin, from what little of the Romanian composer's music I have heard and he was certainly a much finer orchestrator, IMHO. Incidentally, I read somewhere that Cuclin's 12th symphony for large orchestra, chorus and soloists, lasts 6 hours!!!

Alan Howe


I was thinking the works I'm more familiar with - symphonies 9 (cut and condensed) and 11 - and I'm aware that they don't at all take many people here the same way they sometimes do me (and apparently Mr. Barnett) . As to symphony 12, no way of knowing how long it takes. One only knows how long Sorabji's 2nd (once 3rd) symphony (within a range, even, to choose another famous/infamous and long* symphony) takes because someone finally performed it (synthetically, not live); no one's yet performed Cuclin 12 in any form to my knowledge.

*I quite like it but for the purposes of this forum it's infamous, fine. I like it just fine... Anyhow, apologies for bringing that all up.

Alan Howe


... and I am coming back with this (for those who still don't know):