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Jenner Piano Sonata

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 08 October 2010, 13:03

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Alan Howe

A CD of piano music by Gustav Jenner, including his Piano Sonata, has been anounced. Details here:

Mark Thomas

Good oh! Must have missed that when I took my daily peek at the new issues this morning...

Alan Howe

Quote from: Mark Thomas on Friday 08 October 2010, 13:46
...when I took my daily peek at the new issues this morning...

You're obviously as sad as me, then...

Mark Thomas

Alan Howe

Yeah, but you're the boss - bow, scrape... ;)

Alan Howe

Well, my copy of the CD has arrived from jpc and it turns out to be a lovely disc. The Piano Sonata in A minor of 1899 - Jenner having been Brahms' pupil - is, of course, very much in the same conservative idiom, but it is none the worse for that and is full of memorable music. I do recommend that pianophiles get hold of this recording...


A very late response, but I've just bought this CD and I can only echo Alan's words. Not only the Sonata is a very pleasant listen, but the other five works, especially the 3 Ballads, are also evidence that Jenner was a fine composer. Any comments on his recorded chamber works?