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Joseph Francis Duggan 1817-1900

Started by giles.enders, Wednesday 22 May 2019, 10:30

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Joseph Francis Duggan  Born Dublin 10.7.1817  Died London 1900

Conductor, pianist, violinist, organist and composer.  His career started when he left for the U.S. in 1839.  In New york he became conductor of The English Opera, and followed this by short periods teaching music in Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia.  In 1841 he was appointed Principal Professor of The Philadelphia Institute  of Music. From 1844 he was in Paris as a pianist, also composing and teaching.
From 1845 he settled in London and later became Professor of Singing at The Guildhall School of Music.  He is now best remembered if at all, as a composer.


Symphony in C
Symphony in E flat
Overture and Entr'acts to 'As You Like It'  1854
'Manfred' overture


6 String quartets


Marcia  1852
Polacca in G
Polonaise in G
The Syrens
The Guards
Valse guerriere
A Wedding March


'Rythm Tentatives' 6 songs  Op.1
Absolon  words by Nathaniel Parker P Willis  1833
Am I forgot  words by G Lumley  1866
Anacreon's ode to Temperance
Angelina  words by H Hoffman
As a breath from off the mirror  words by H Hurst
Ask me no more  words by A Tennyson  1854
Be not afear'd   words by William Shakespeare
Can'st thou forget the past  words by WJR  1871
Daylight fades around us trio for soprano, tenor and bass  words by E Ham
Erin in Exile  1864
The Fisher Boy  words by J E Carpenter  1852
The Gallery of Nations  1851
The Gipsy free  words by E Ham  1852  pub. by J Curwen & Sons
Good Night  words by F I Hudson 1881
'Hagar' sacred song  words by W Guernsey  1870
I can but weep  words by G Linley
Jessie  words by J Enderssohn  1880
Ladder of Light  words by F I Hudson  1882
The Lasses left on the shore  words by W Sapte Jnr  1885  pub. by Hutchings & Co.
Lord Ullin's daughter  words by Campbell
Love laughs at locksmiths  words by E Ham  1852
Many a time and oft   words by A B Edwards  1860
Maureen    words by B Cornwall
The Mountain  words by R K Philip
My Lady sleeps  words by Longfellow  1853   pub. by Augener & Co.
Nel Cammin di nostra vita  for 4 treble voices  words by Metastasio  1881
Oh! turn those eyes away  words by F Kemble
Old memories   words by A B Edwards
On the shore    words by Mackarness
Oriana  words by A Tennyson
Over hill, over dale  words by William Shakespeare  1862
Il Pastore  for 4 treble voices  words by Metastasio
Ruth  words by W Guernsey
The Scarlet and the Blue  words by W Sabte jnr.   pub. by Hutchings & Co.
Stelle di Notte  words by M Maggioni
Take this tear  - duettino  1865
The Templer  words by K Summers
To find the sorrowing  words by E Ham
The voice from the deep  words by Sir F Peacocke
When we first met   words by F Kemble  1867
Who is Sylvia   words by William Shakespeare
Why looks the bride so pale ?   words by E Ham
Wild Bells  words by A B Edwards
The Winds are hushed  words by A B Edwards
Evening now soft rapture brings - six part song  words by Mrs Freale

6 descriptive songs: 1 The voices of the bells  2 ? 3 ? 4 The Waves  words by R K Philip  5 ? 6 ?
6 songs: 1 Anceron's ode to Memperna, 2 The Elleree words by J H Ewing, 3 The Lily of the Lake, 4 La Lusinga, 5 Filomela, 6 Dallo profunde

'Home and Foreign lyrics; set of 13 songs


'Pierre' opera in 1 act  Lyrics  by Henry Drayton  1853
'Leonie' opera in 3 acts  Lyrics by Henry Drayton  1854
'The Brides of Venice'
'Le Nain Noir'

Gareth Vaughan

Quite a lot of the songs and some piano music were published and there are copies in various academic libraries (see COPAC). I note with interest, however, that RCM lists an Overture "Manfred" in ms full score by this composer.


His song "The fisherman's bride" (On a rock by the ocean) was published by Klemm and later by Lee & Walker and has been digitized by Hathitrust...